Cannabis Treatment at Serenity Recovery

Cannabis treatment at Hope often requires a high degree of commitment to take full advantage of our comprehensive program. On this page is an explanation of our Cannabis treatment program and general information about Cannabis and the impact of Cannabis addiction.

Cannabis addiction is commonplace and highly destructive for many who are affected by it, including family members and loved ones. Many clients attend Hope for their Cannabis addiction, and we have a high success rate with our form of treatment. It is surprisingly easy to become dependent on Cannabis for relaxation and sleep. However, it quickly catches up with you and outlives its usefulness, creating more problems than benefits. Depression and a loss of motivation are the main areas to work on, however, return to normal after 2 or 3 months at Hope rehab.

You will learn to manage triggers and cravings

At Hope Rehab we have a strong emphasis on physical health and fitness which is very useful for Cannabis smokers as health is an area seriously affected. Lung damage and muscle wastage can become problematic after years of cannabis abuse.

Anxiety and anger are often associated with Cannabis withdrawals and can continue for months afterwards, so we teach you ways to regulate these emotions. At Hope, you will practice Mindfulness and Meditation twice daily. This will give you the tools to manage triggers and cravings that could come when you are least expecting it.

The path to recovery from cannabis addiction involves healing in the following areas:

Brain damage and disruption to work and education are very common with Cannabis use. The habits formed during years of addiction create a cycle that is tough to break alone. The program at Serenity Rehab will lead you into healthy routines with physical exercise; sleep hygiene and new thinking patterns. A comprehensive approach is required to make lasting change.

With healthy routines in place, natural motivations return. A belief that life without drugs becomes possible. Goals and long-term plans are once again part of life. Relationships with family and friends can begin to heal and renew. The path to recovery from cannabis addiction involves healing in all of these areas and more. A comprehensive program that addresses the addiction and its setbacks as well as creating a future that is happy and balanced life is required. The program at Hope Rehab been designed specifically in this way.

How dangerous is Cannabis?

Cannabis (aka Marijuana, Weed, or Grass) usage has become socially more acceptable as the public attitude towards cannabis has changed dramatically in recent years. It is increasingly common to hear even politicians use words like ‘harmless’ and ‘natural’ when describing Cannabis use – in the US, even President Obama felt comfortable enough to admit that he used to smoke it. The British Drug Survey 2014 found that about 88% of the population believes that Marijuana should be legal, and respondents perceived it to be the least dangerous of all mind-altering substances (including alcohol). Despite the growing tolerance in many societies towards Cannabis use, it would be a mistake to believe that this drug is relatively harmless or even safe. That’s a misconception though. Overindulgence in Cannabis is damaging to both physical and mental health, and likely to lead to addiction eventually. Once you have become dependent on this drug, it can be incredibly hard to quit without help. 

What is Cannabis?

Cannabis, sometimes in a loose dried grass form or solid compressed form is usually smoked in a hand rolled cigarette called a joint or smoked in a pipe or bong, it can also be eaten.

Cannabis has many different street names including:

Cannabis/Marijuana is a psychoactive substance (it changes the way the brain functions) that is hard to classify because it acts as a sedative, stimulant, hallucinogen, and tranquiliser. The drug is obtained from the leaves and flowering parts of the cannabis plant. It is fairly common to mix the drug with other synthetic compounds to increase the effect. Cannabis can be consumed in a number of different ways including:

The desired effects happen within minutes and range from euphoria to relaxation, with visual enhancement or distorted perception and some users claim a creative performance enhancement effect also some users say it helps with sleep.

New strains and cultivation techniques have concentrated the psychoactive ingredient or THC in the plant, and sometimes additional chemicals are even added to intensify the effects. This has made the use of some types of Marijuana and Cannabis more addictive and more damaging to the brain, often triggering paranoia and psychotic episodes.

The Dark Side of Cannabis

The damage Marijuana/Cannabis addiction and dependency does is seriously underestimated by users and society alike. Cannabis does have medicinal uses, and there are recreational users who never develop any problems, but there are definite risks associated with this substance. We get many clients here at Hope Rehab who have experienced the dark side of this substance, and it caused them a great deal of suffering and loss. We have witnessed many lost and depressed individuals as a result of using this drug. Cannabis is the most commonly abused substance apart from Alcohol around the world. It is easy to become dependent on this drug to such an extent that it makes life unbearable. Regular users can suffer from low energy with frequent episodes of depression – it can also mean being so numb to life that nothing appears meaningful. Users are four times more at risk of developing long-term depression and mental health symptoms requiring a treatment program for Marijuana and Cannabis Addiction. Exploring the reality of the drug’s impact on your life is very much part of Cannabis treatment. We find there are high levels of denial around this issue. 

Signs and symptoms of cannabis use: