Seraph Griffon Company

We are Seraph Griffon Company, a roleplaying guild on the Tarnished Coast server in Guild Wars 2, a community for military police and Seraph roleplayers who use ArenaNet's lore as an inspiration rather than a strict guideline. We are committed to enhancing the roleplaying community through world building and seek to provide consequences for actions made by players only with their consent. We are also committed to providing quality experiences, which is why we seek mature and professionally minded roleplayers to join our ranks. In addition, we strive to be considerate and fair to both our members and those we interact with.

Our mission statement:

The Seraph Griffon Company, in partnership with the roleplaying community, is committed to providing high quality and lore-friendly experiences through volunteer policing. We strive to be considerate and fair to both our members and those we interact with. Seraph Griffon Company agents will conduct themselves professionally and to a high ethical standard with the community in mind.

Serpah Oath of Loyalty:

"I pledge allegiance to the Monarch of Kryta. I swear to uphold the Queen's peace, and to defend my fellow citizens from all forms of enemies, both foreign and domestic. And I swear to follow the orders of my superior officers, so long as they not be treasonous, and to not bring shame on the uniform of the Queen's Seraph. I am a Seraph, protector of the land and the people. Long live the Queen!"