Helpful Resources for Judges

For helpful overall judge info, how to provide effective feedback to student debaters

and assistance setting up your TabRoom Account, please first visit:

This site also includes helpful info on how to judge Lincoln Douglas style (only one of our debaters currently competes in this style)

For specific info about how to judge PARLIAMENTARY debate, the style you will most likely judge,

(most of our students participate in this style, often referred to as "Parli"),

please review the helpful info below:


Parli Debate Judging Instructions

Debate notes

Helpful tips for volunteer judges

One of our experienced debate parent volunteers compiled a great set of notes to help you feel successful on your day of volunteer judging. Please read them through by clicking this link here.

Fact, Value, Policy definitions.docx

What is a resolution in Parli style debate? (Fact, Value, Policy)

Our veteran debate parent also put together a very helpful explanation of what debaters mean when they discuss resolutions during debates. Understanding these vocab terms will help you be a great judge. Please read the document by clicking this link here.