Gifted & Kinesiology Magnets

Mrs. Cueva

Hello my name is Ms. Cueva and I am the Magnet Coordinator for both the Gifted Magnet and Kinesiology Magnet.  I work closely with our Magnet Counselor to help students and families during their time here at Sepulveda. 

Mrs. Ramirez

Welcome Grizzlies! I am Ms. Martinez, the counselor for the Kinesiology and Gifted Magnets at Sepulveda Middle School. This is my 4th year working at Sepulveda. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Mrs. Powers

Welcome Grizzlies! I am Mrs. Powers. Kinesiology Sports Medicine Magnet Counselor. This is my 6th year as a counselor and 5th year working at Sepulveda. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Gifted Magnet


Our goal is to nurture and support the development of each student's academic and emotional needs. We collaborate to create a challenging, cohesive, thought provoking, theme integrated lessons that will prepare our students for high school and beyond.  

Student Success Skills:

General Information 

What is a GPA?

Grade Point Average. An average of all the grades earned by a student each quarter. An A=4 points, a B=3 points, a C=2 points, a D=1 point, and an F=0 points. The G.P.A. is the total number of points divided by the number of classes.

Grade and Progress Reports

Every 5 weeks we send out progress reports. You can keep track of your student’s grades by checking Schoology, attending back-to-school night, communicating with teachers and the school counselor.

Report Cards

Reports cards are mailed out every 10 weeks, with the final 20 week report card mailed out at the end of the semester.


Each course earns 5 credits, if students earns a “D” or better.

Student Planners

Students are encouraged to use their school issued planner to write down assignments, homework, and due dates for presentations or projects. Using a planner is helpful in staying organized and meeting school deadlines. Studies show that students who use a planner are more academically successful.


Students are assigned textbooks for their courses at the beginning of each semester. Students are responsible for returning textbooks after each semester (only hard covered texts should be returned). Online textbooks can be found on Schoology under student’s courses.