Your Facilitators

Maniisha Bluntschli

Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Naturopathic Herbalist and Light Therapist

"I have a deep interest in the use of light and how it can benefit our biology, neurology and psychology.
My mission is
to spread the word about the power and potency of light medicine to empower people with tools to establish their own physical and mental wellness."

You can find Maniisha's website here: Manisha Bluntschli – Limbic Light (

Sian Semones

Trained in the Sensora System by Maniisha Bluntschli and student of breath, sound and movement focused Somatic Release Therapy.

"I am deeply passionate about sensory therapies as I have experienced and believe they are a way forward from adversity to reconnect and remember joy, safety and pleasure in the body."

You can find Sian's social media page here: (@sianelise_)

Want to find out more?