Study Plan

Department: Computer Science

Group Members: Katelyn Kasperowicz, Muhammad Ras Ab Rahim, Raphael Salas, Ucchista Sivaguru, Nabilah F. Yahya

Clients: CS Undergraduate Advisors

Advisors: Prof. David Klappholz, Prof. David Naumann

Cybersecurity Advisor: None

Project Description: The statements of the requirements for undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Cybersecurity are far more complex than the statements of the requirements in any other major at Stevens. (See and the various linked web pages for details.) As a result, transfer students, students who fail one or more courses, and students who fail to take required courses with long forward prerequisite chains early enough often have trouble constructing schedules that allow them to graduate when they wish to. The Study Plan Organizer will be a web application that allows advisors and students to streamline the process of constructing individualized schedules of courses, schedules that will enable the students to graduate in the desired numbers of semesters and will, as a result, help reduce errors, and the stress that advisors and students regularly go through.
