ID8 Marketing and Sales Tool (IMAST)

Department: Computer Science

Group Members: John Scire, Greg McLeod, Caroline Amaba, Michael Hegadorn, Nirmal Rajan, Ryan Gavin

Client: Dr. Gerrit Kamp

Advisor: Prof. David Klappholz

Project Description: ID8 Systems is a web-based collaboration system for idea management. ID8 users can submit ideas that they believe will benefit their organizations/companies. Within a virtual stock market, ID8 allows users to invest in each other's ideas using an artificial currency. ID8 brings the most valuable ideas to the forefront in order to determine which ones are best for the organization/company to pursue. ID8 Marketing And Sales Tool (IMAST) is a customized, redesigned collaboration of current marketing and sales tools already in place with the ID8 System. In place of the current tools, IMAST will provide modules for pipeline management, customer management, blog management, and e-mail management. The goal of IMAST is to create a unique system for ID8 with the functionality that the company needs from each of its existing systems, and that the IMAST integrates with the ID8 website.
