

This site aims to provide a quick reference toolbox for busy teachers to find ideas for teaching students with additional needs. The site is divided into the four main areas of need identified in the SEND code of Practice (UK). As many Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) cross multiple areas of need, I have only briefly referenced diagnosed terms which may be associated with each area of need.

Parents and other interested users please feel free to browse the site for information and ideas about how teachers can support students in school.

The Site aims to promote 'Quality First Teaching' by providing teachers with the knowledge and expertise to support their students in the classroom. The site is primarily aimed at secondary school teachers, however I am sure much of the content would be useful for primary school teachers. I am drawing on my own personal experience and information that I have found useful. I believe that it is important to link in with other ideas, research and advice, as such I have made reference links to many external sites. I will also aim to keep adding to the site as new research becomes available or I find or develop new resources.


There is a Toolbox at the bottom of every page with a link to files, web links and videos that I have collected and found useful.

The SEND reflection framework (in the Toolbox) also provides a useful framework for teachers to reflect upon their SEND practice, under these main areas- Quality of teaching and learning, Creating an Environment Conducive to Effective Learning, Transitions and Change, Systems and Processes, Working and Communicating with Families, Working with Other Professionals and the Wider Community.

As well as aiming to be proactive in supporting SEND students in terms of early identification and quality screening processes, one of the best tips to support SEND students is to have well written SMART targets as part of a graduated- assess plan, do, review approach. I have included a SMART Target Reference Sheet in the Toolbox, along with a Quality First Teaching Needs Assessment which would be more useful in assessing broad areas of need. The Ready 4 Learning Plan (in the toolbox) is used to assess the wider needs of a student based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.


Click on the underlined links below or in the menus at the top of the site to get tools, information, advice, tips and training to support students who have needs in the following areas.

Reading: Ability to read a paragraph or more with ease and fluency.

Spelling: Ability to consistently spell common words and make a good attempt at unfamiliar words.

Extended Writing: Ability to write a correctly punctuated paragraph or more with ease and fluency.

Comprehension: Ability to understand what is read use inference and deduction to develop it.

Numeracy/Maths: Demonstrating a basic grasp of number, time, data, shape / space and measure etc.

Processing: The ability to think through problems, make meaningful links and respond to old and new information.

Memory: (Closely linked to processing) The ability to hold and manipulate multiple units in memory - if required transfer them to short term memory and retain them in long term memory. The ability to recall old and new information.

Concentration: Staying on task, ignoring distractions, focusing on the teacher, remembering instructions etc.

Executive Functioning: Physical organisation of self and equipment, planning ahead with work, thinking about consequences before actions, Turn Taking etc.

Speech and Language: Understanding their first spoken language, acquiring new vocabulary, ability to express themselves clearly in sentences etc.

Physical Disability: Ability to access all activities despite physical, hearing or visual difficulty

Sensory: Hyper (over) Hypo (under) sensitive to noise, light, touch.

Handwriting: Ability to write legibly, with ease, and at a pace, equivalent to peers.

Social: Forming and maintaining positive relationships, conforming to social norms etc.

Emotional: Showing awareness of own feelings and that of others, managing feelings, self-esteem, confidence etc.

Mental health: Shows adaptability/resilience in various school situations. Is able to use positive self -talk as an effective means of regulating behaviour. Forms typical attachments to peers and staff.

Arrangements made to support candidates with significant learning difficulties or disabilities access official GCSE and A2 exams.


SMART Targets.docx
Blank Quality First Teacher Assessment.docx
Ready 4 Learning (Blank).docx