
Communication and Interaction|Executive Function

Executive Function: Physical organisation of self and equipment, planning ahead with work, thinking about consequences before actions etc. (Also see Concentration)

Tools and tips


Although we are becoming increasingly technology reliant, many schools still use paper planners and home school books to help students get organised. It is important to teach students how to use these, check what they have written, if using stickers make sure they go in the right place, engage parents by looking for a parents signature. If your school doesn't do planners think about getting one for students who struggle with organisation (work with parents on this).

Routine Checklists

Visuals for routine checklists such as how to start work, how to ask for help, how to present your work can all be displayed and referred to to help students- presentation guides can be stuck in books to further remind students. I have included a couple of checklists in the Toolbox to give you some ideas.

Memory: No more than 4 bits of information at a time

Students with organisation difficulties often struggle with memory difficulties. Typical tests show that these students can usually hold around three chunks of information at a time- this is usually more when working with images. Students can quickly become overloaded and it is often only the first and last things in a list that is remembered- the middle disappears. Here is a link to more information on memory in the classroom.

Repetition and Rehearsing (encourage inner ear)

Encourage students to repeat key information in their head and rehearse this using their inner ear- developing this voice allows the brain to connect with different parts to aid and scaffold memory processes. You could model this for students by thinking out loud when you are explaining a topic or working one to one with a student. Repetition is a core strategy to help student with Working Memory difficulties and can dramatically improve a persons ability to remember. I compare it to colouring in, the more times you go over a section the brighter it becomes.

Don't punish forgetfulness

Punishing a student with organisational difficulties for forgetting something is fruitless! Give them a strategy or tool for remembering it in future. Moving from classroom to classroom, students with organisational difficulties can easily loose equipment, to avoid constant confrontation have equipment available to borrow if need be just for them.

Turn Taking/ Impulsiveness

For some children being able to self regulate impulsivity is really hard. Simple things- like having a no hands up/shouting out and using students names when asking questions -can make a big difference. Reminders of the rules of the classroom need to be clearly visible and students who really struggle may need a movement break- giving out the books, equipment (though explain expectations, e.g. place on desk not throw). Minimize waiting times- by giving activities to do while waiting. Give out lots of praise (more than feels natural). Always use non-confrontational feedback if a child does display impulsive behaviour. There are some further strategies in the toolbox below well worth a look.


11 Routines Mat.docx
ADHD Strategies A4.pdf
ADHD- epic_strategy_teachers-booklet.pdf