Current Events

Use this page to introduce, provide information and analyze key current events. Each entry should include the following components:

          1. The date
          2. A summary of the event (in your own words). What happened? Who are the key players?
          3. What connection this story has to what we have examined in social studies
          4. Your perspective / analysis / opinion. Explain why.
          5. Provide any references in APA format

Here are some useful news links:

Current Event Entry #1: Fridays for Future Student Led Climate Strike

Date: September 20, 2019

Please use our class readings, discussion notes, and activities and respond to the Current Event questions. Use this space to describe the Fridays for the Future Climate Action Strike. Summarize in your own words:

  • What is it all about?
  • Who is involved and targeted?
  • Where is it taking place / where has it taken place?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • How people can get involved.
  • What is your take? Is this student action necessary? Why or why not? Do you think it is effective? Does it / will it make a difference?

2019 - Year in Review

Part I - NEWS

Research and summarize in your own words the 3 most important news stories of 2019.

Select 1 local (town or province), 1 national (Canada) and 1 international story.

Here are a few links to the videos screened in class:

Many media outlets have articles summarizing the biggest news stories of the year from their perspective.

Local news story of the year (Kimberley, Kootenay Region or British Columbia)

Headline (title):

Date(s) / When did it take place?:

Who was involved / impacted?:

Where did it take place?:

Summary: Create a brief summary (3-5 sentences) in your own words:

Ripple Effect / Impact: Why I think this is an important issue?

How does this issue impact me? / Why is it important to me?

National news story of the year (Canada)

Headline (title):

Date(s) / When did it take place?:

Who was involved / impacted?:

Where did it take place?:

Summary: Create a brief summary (3-5 sentences) in your own words:

Ripple Effect / Impact: Why I think this is an important issue?

How does this issue impact me? / Why is it important to me?

International news story of the year

Headline (title):

Date(s) / When did it take place?:

Who was involved / impacted?:

Where did it take place?:

Summary: Create a brief summary (3-5 sentences) in your own words:

Ripple Effect / Impact: Why I think this is an important issue?

How does this issue impact me? / Why is it important to me?

Part 2 – TRENDS

What was the best new trend of 2019? Describe what it was?

What was the worst new trend of 2019? Describe what it was?

What is the greatest invention / best innovation/ best discovery of 2019? Describe it.

What was the best entertainment story of 2019 (celebrity, sports, music, movies etc.)?

Current Event #3 - Review 1 story from the week that was: January 20-27, 2020

Respond to the questions below. Be sure to extend your information to provide relevant details (don't be too basic) and find links to what we have recently been studying in Social Studies (including examining perspectives, life in the early 1800's, disease risk for new immigrants traveling across the Atlantic, what makes something historically significant, whose story do we hear, life for minorities (including First Nations, people of colour and women) in North America in the early 1800's etc.).

          1. The date: January 29, 2020
          2. A summary of the event (in your own words). What happened? Who are the key players?
          3. What connection this story has to what we have examined in social studies
          4. Your perspective / analysis / opinion. Explain why.
          5. Provide any references in APA format

Current Event #4 - Review 1 Story from the week that was: March 1-8, 2020

Respond to the questions below. Be sure to extend your information to provide relevant details (don't be too basic) and find links to what we have recently been studying in Social Studies (including the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Invention, factors that led to this, the influence of these inventions, changes in production, and what influence it had on society).


          1. The date: March 9, 2020
          2. A summary of the event (in your own words). What happened? Who are the key players?
          3. What connection this story has to what we have examined in social studies
          4. Your perspective / analysis / opinion. Explain why.
          5. Provide any references in APA format