Climate Change

What is climate change?

Place your definition of climate change and why it is relevant and important to know about here.

Case study #1:

  • Pick 1 region of Canada
  • PART 1: Describe it:
          • Where is it located?
          • Describe it's landscape (topography, borders, major water bodies etc.)
          • What is the vegetation like?
          • What are it's major cities, towns, landmarks?
          • What geological processes formed this region?
          • What are the primary natural resources in this region?
          • What traditional First Nations Territories exist within this region?
          • Display a map and images of the region
          • What is the climate in this region? What are average temperatures and precipitation levels?

PART 2: How is the climate changing?

What impact has climate change had on this area and what does the future hold? Be sure to reference information correctly (review Mr. Wetmore's tips).

Here is a list of some links that may be helpful:

PART 3: What you can do!

What are some actions that people can (should?) do to address this? What are some real actions that people of all ages and positions can take on? Why should they do it? What impact could these actions have? What are you willing to do?