Since 2016, ETIC. delivered the self-management programme in partnership with Jeremy Hunter to over 260 Japanese social sector leaders of all genders.

The biggest learning for me was becoming able to realize my "auto-pilot mode" of usual practices and daily routine.  Whenever I am not self-aware, I was easily entering into auto-pilot of repeating the same, undesirable behaviors. I do not think I am perfectly changed, but I am realizing more frequently whenever I am about to enter into a maze of unconsciousness. After the session I feel my breaths have changed: I exhale with intention and thus inhales a lot more fresh air into my body to regenerate now.

Mai Yoshikawa, Representative of Napra-works

I started practicing self-management when my wife became pregnant. During the sessions I dug deeply about things that are truly important to me and and results I wish to see. I realized my wish to cherish the moments of fatherhood and as a result I determined to take a year-long paternity leave and spend time with my wife and the baby. Without having tried to practice self-management myself I wouldn’t have made the decision and spent the precious time with my families. Even after the paternity leave is over I join Jeremy’s session regularly and continue learning about myself.

Atsuyoshi Saisho, Co-founder of e-Education

Before the self-management sessions, I used to comprehend every word spoken by my employee negatively without realizing myself. Through the self-management practice I could understand the reasons behind as to why I was feeling this way and the potential consequences of my actions if continued. It was not my wish to have a bad relationship with my staff; with the self-management I became able to focus on situation I truly desired for myself and started practicing managing my emotions for the intended outcomes.

Fumiya Ito, CEO of the Tsukuba Agri-Challenge

When I joined the self-management session, I was appointed as the Representative Director of my company and facing difficulties in transforming my leadership styles toward work and people. This programme is a condensed version of months-long executive master courses. Jeremy teaches us frameworks to look back our daily practices and enable dialogue among participants to share each others' difficulties and experiences in important decision making. As a result of reconnecting with my past, I became able to think and create many new choices that were completely different from goals and ideals I originally held prior to the session. I was able to find a choice that helps me becoming authentic self rather than being just a great business leader all the time.

Takashi Fujimura, Former CEO of Social Venture Partners Tokyo

Jeremy is passionate to support many social sector leaders, who sometimes sacrifices themselves over social mission they pursue and end up being burned out. Jeremy's programme have made a significant impact on many entrepreneurs and business leaders in reviewing their way of life, work and how they think. The programme teaches us how we face and better manage ourselves in this chaotic world, thereby helping us strengthening the very core of our respective leadership qualities. It is of my wish the programme will be a process for you to transform your authentic leadership.

Haruo Miyagi, Founder of ETIC. (Entreprenuerial Training for Innovative Communities)