What’s Happening Currently

With the rapid development of the internet, we now have a variety of useful E-learning platforms and resources that make use of technology to allow students to learn and seek knowledge at their own speed while also assisting students in becoming SDL learners (Garcia et al., 2018). Digital libraries, video platforms, video-call platforms, online learning platforms, and self-management tools are just a part of the tools available. We will introduce representative examples from various fields in this section.

Activity 1 - Which tools do you believe are the most useful for self-directed learning?

Please rank the following technologies before browsing the content on this page. Enter your name first and tap the answer you want to move, then submit your response.

Ranking Result

Based on the ranking result of the 12 participants in our class, we can conclude that Online Learning Platforms are a pretty decent tool for self-directed learning. Video Platforms, Self-Management Tools, Digital Libraries, and Videocall Platforms come next. Most of the participants believed that these five tools/platforms are more useful than other technologies.

E-learning Platforms and Resources

Digital libraries / E-book tools

In the technological age, the book takes on a new and engaging form. It can integrate text with images, videos, audio, games, and other features to engage learners more than traditional books and provide a lot of convenience for learners. Furthermore, interactive e-books can aid SDL learners in optimizing their learning process and are better suited to self-directed learning.

According to Suyatna et al. (2018), interactive e-books should include the following features:

  • Learners can set their own learning goals;

  • They can learn online and offline at any time and from any location;

  • They can control the learning pace and intensity of learning activities;

  • Interactive exercises and tests are available;

  • Learners can do their own reflections based on the test feedback.

We've chosen three digital libraries/e-book tools to present.

Video platforms

With the rise of the information culture, video platforms have become not just a means of communication for us, but also an essential "partner" in our studies, lives, and leisure. The video platform, YouTube, provides a conducive learning environment that gives learners the resources they need to fulfill their SDL goals (Lee et al., 2017).

According to Ranga (2017), customized videos have proven to be effective virtual teaching and learning platforms. learners are able to use customized videos to

  • take control of their learning;

  • learn at their own pace;

  • review content as many times as needed;

  • provide a platform to review subjects for upper-level courses.

We've chosen three video platforms to present.

Online learning platforms

Many passionate students have been drawn to the online learning platform because of its versatility and the fact that most courses are free. Learners have authority over learning time, learning place, and learning content with online courses. Furthermore, some online learning platforms provide a variety of university courses in fields of study. learners can easily register and study classes or take it on as a challenge and earn a valued digital certificate once each course receives a passing grade.

We'll go over three examples of online learning platforms below.

Video-call platforms

As a result of the pandemic's stimulus, video-call platforms have become increasingly crucial in our daily lives and work. It is more convenient for us to connect with others and share files. Sharing and cooperating with peers is a crucial aspect of SDL learners. At the same time, the instructor needs effectively communicate with the learners. Because of these factors, a platform that offers high-speed video-calling and document sharing will be incredibly beneficial to their entire learning process.

We've chosen two representative video-call platforms to present.

Self-management tools

Setting up their own learning goals after analyzing themself is the first step for SDL learners. However, several excellent resource platforms lack the features to set goals or create learning plans. Users will still need to combine a few different self-management tools at this point to supervise and assist them in completing the entire learning process.

There are now various valuable tools in software applications that might support learners in focusing on their personal plans. We've chosen two software tools to present.

Activity 2 - Discussion

Please choose your favourite or most often used self-directed learning tools in your profession or life from the list below and share your reason or experience with us. If you think there are other valuable categories worth sharing, please click the "+" to add.

**If you do not have a padlet account, please enter your name in the title section of the comment box**