The Fundamentals of SDL

Self-guided learning provides unlimited opportunities to the learners to improve the skills they want and gain knowledge on issues they want to learn about.

The cornerstones of SDL are:

  1. Education is the child's responsibility

  2. Unlimited opportunity to play

  3. Developing the passion

  4. Play with the tools of culture

  5. Adults are helpers, not judges

  6. Free age mixing

  7. Stable, moral, democratic community

The Stages of Self-Directed Learning

Stage 1

The Dependent Learner

Stage 1
  • relies on the instructor

  • no self-direction.

  • task oriented.

Stage 2

The Interested Learner

  • not always directed.

  • seeks some opportunities.

  • set some goals.

  • building confidence.

Stage 3

The Involved Learner

  • recognition

  • ability to learn by self

  • learning goals

  • methods to achieve goals

Stage 4

The Self-directed Learner

  • sets goals

  • assesses

  • motivated

  • valid/reliable sources

What are the qualities of a self-directed learner?

  1. Takes initiative

This is undoubtedly the #1 key to being classified as a self-directed learner! If you want to be successful with online independent learning, you’re going to have to be able to motivate yourself to get the work done. If you tend to wait around for someone else to say “get to it!”, online learning might present some problems. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

2. Is goal-oriented

Whether or not you consciously set goals for yourself, achieving success in online courses requires you to, at the very least, be goal-oriented. That is, you must be able to develop a plan for completing the required work and be disciplined enough to stick to it. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

3. Is self-aware

Setting an appropriate working pace for yourself is another primary key to success with online learning. If you don’t give yourself enough time to learn the material, you are setting yourself up to achieve sub-par results. Successful self-directed learners recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and are able to set an appropriate pace based on their personal learning style and habits. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

4. Is dedicated

Learning takes time, repetition and practice. To be a successful self-directed learner, you must be willing to put in the time and energy it takes to learn the course material, and learn it well. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

5. Is self-confident

In order to be successful with independent learning, you have to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. With online learning, there won’t always be someone encouraging you and reassuring you that ‘you can do it’ – so you must be confident in your own abilities, without the need for constant reassurance from third parties. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

6. Has strong time management skills

In order to be successful with independent learning, you have to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. With online learning, there won’t always be someone encouraging you and reassuring you that ‘you can do it’ – so you must be confident in your own abilities, without the need for constant reassurance from third parties. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

7. Views problems as challenges

The successful self-directed learner is not easily discouraged when faced with a challenge. Instead, they embrace a growth mindset, viewing difficult problems as vehicles for greater learning. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

8. Is capable of self-discipline

Even if you happen to enjoy the course content, taking an online course and being successful in it is going to take some discipline. Good self-directed learners know (or learn!) how to develop and maintain the discipline they need to stay on track. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

9. Knows when to ask for help

Being a self-directed learner doesn’t mean you must know or determine all the answers on your own. In fact, the successful online learner is most often the one who reaches out, when necessary, to receive the guidance they need to carry on through the material. If you’re stuck and need help, ask for it! Our dedicated instructors are there to help you when you need it. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)

10. Has an underlying desire to learn

The successful self-directed learner must want to learn. If you view learning negatively, you’ll be more likely to procrastinate and under-achieve. Even if the primary motivation is mark-driven, successful online learners must view learning as part of a positive path forward. (Ontario Virtual School, 2020)


There is no score for this self-assessment. For the items that you marked Disagree or Strongly Disagree, try to understand why this is the case. The fewer things with which you disagree, the more open you are likely to be to learn on your own.

Poll Results:

Looking at the poll results, it seems that the vast majority of the participants replied with either “agree” or “strongly agree” on the questions, showing a significant tendency for being self-directed learners.