OCEAN Webinar Series

Online Conversations for Equity, Action, and Networking

Kelly Luis on the R/V Falkor taken by Alex Ingle

What is OCEAN?

Online Conversations for Equity, Action, and Networking (OCEAN) is a webinar series dedicated to amplifying early career BIack, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) marine researchers and professionals in New England funded by Woods Hole Sea Grant.

Why is OCEAN important?

Over the past three decades, the racial and ethnic composition of advanced marine sciences degree holders, tenured faculty in geosciences, and leadership in environmental organizations has changed very little. This stagnation is credited to myriad barriers, such as systemics biases in gender and economics and the paucity of the school-to-career pipelines for BIPOC in the sciences. With COVID-19 exacerbating these barriers, we must act in a timely and urgent manner to support BIPOC marine researchers and professionals in advancing their careers.

Objectives of the OCEAN Webinar Series

  1. Establish a webinar series for early career BIPOC researchers and professionals to share their research and work with engaged undergraduate and graduate students as well as marine science academic advisors and administrators.

  2. Host informal conversations between UMass Boston undergraduates and early career BIPOC researchers and professionals regularly in safe spaces that may lead to a supportive network of like minded developing marine scientists.

  3. Feature early career BIPOC researchers and professionals on a UMass Boston student podcast to initiate a resource that would be widely available in New England and beyond to initiate and support discussions about the role of race, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the marine sciences.

Impact targets of the OCEAN Webinar Series

This series will have multiple impacts including (1) increasing and building the leadership skills and experiences for participating BIPOC marine speakers, (2) developing necessary resources and experiences for discussions on biases, inequities, inclusion, and role modeling in STEM, and (3) growing the network of individuals and organizations in New England and beyond to support the inclusion of BIPOC at all stages of career development

Nominate an OCEAN speaker

Who is eligible? Early career Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in New England. Our definition of early-career has some flexibility, so we welcome the community to include their reasoning for considering a nominee as early-career. All career paths working in marine environments are welcome, so individuals from academia, non-profits, government, and industry are all invited.

What will OCEAN speakers do? Speakers will have the opportunity to share their research, work, and stories across three virtual platforms:

1. Invited Talk – A 45-minute seminar on their research or work as a professional at UMass Boston’s School for the Environment Seminar Series

2. Podcast – A short (5–10 minute) interview on a podcast produced by undergraduates

3. Informal Student Conversation – A 45-minute informal conversation with UMass-Boston undergraduates where speakers share their journeys and provide advice to undergraduates

There is flexibility for engagement with the platforms, which will be at the discretion of the speaker. For example, all events can be scheduled for the same day or spread out over several days.

How do I nominate someone?

Please submit a 1-2-page nomination letter about the nominee, and if available, please attach the nominee’s CV. Self-nominations are also welcome. All materials should be submitted before October 1st, 2020 (5:00 p.m., EDT).

Nomination materials can be submitted here: Nomination Form

Apply for an Undergraduate Position

Position descriptions

Undergraduate Organizers (2):

We are seeking to hire two organizers to plan, advertise, and host undergraduate conversations with the OCEAN speakers. Organizers will partner with UMB student groups to develop questions for the speakers and recruit UMB undergraduates for the events. Additional duties include assisting the graduate student organizer in facilitating the OCEAN speaker selection panel. This is a paid position.

We are seeking enthusiastic individuals willing to learn new skills and be a team member for the OCEAN series. Previous organizing and facilitation experience is a plus, but not required for this role.

Podcast Team Members (3):

We are looking for three podcast production team members to assist in the production of the OCEAN podcasts. Duties include brainstorming interview questions, pre-interviewing OCEAN speakers, designing the logo, advertising and promoting the podcast, and editing interviews. This is a paid position.

We are seeking enthusiastic individuals willing to learn new skills and be a team member for the OCEAN series. Previous podcast production and science communication experience is a plus, but not required for this role.


Please submit an application through the link below and send in a short cover letter to SEGART@googlegroups.com

All materials should be submitted by October 9th, 2020 (5:00 p.m., EDT).

Application materials can be submitted here: Application Form


The call for OCEAN nominations has been featured in the ASLO blog and the TOS student newsletter