Data representation

Entity types

    • Gene
    • Gene_Family
    • Box
    • Promoter
    • RNA
    • Protein
    • Protein_Family
    • Protein_Complex
    • Protein_Domain
    • Hormone
    • Regulatory_Network
    • Pathway
    • Genotype
    • Tissue
    • Development_Phase
    • Environmental_Factor

Entity groups

Entity groups are not used as entity types, but to make more concise the description of the event signature below.

    • DNA_Product = RNA|Protein|Protein_Family|Protein_Complex|Protein_Domain
    • DNA = Gene|Gene_Family|Box,Promoter
    • Functional_Molecule = DNA_Product|Hormone
    • Molecule = DNA|Functional_Molecule
    • Dynamic_Pro


Their description follows the syntax:

  • event label
    • list of required arguments (role, list of entity types separated by | )

Full version

  • Binding
    • Functional_Molecule:Functional_Molecule
    • Molecule:Molecule
  • Primary_Structure_Composition
    • DNA_Part:Box|Promoter
    • DNA:DNA
  • Protein_Complex_Composition
    • Amino_Acid_Sequence:Protein|Protein_Family|Protein_Complex|Protein_Domain
    • Protein_Complex:Protein_Complex
  • Presence_At_Stage
    • Functional_Molecule:Functional_Molecule
    • Development:Development_Phase
  • Presence_In_Genotype
    • Molecule: Molecule
    • Element: Biological context
    • Genotype: Genotype

(Molecule et Element are mutually exclusive)

  • Sequence_Identity
    • Element1:*
    • Element2:*
  • Interaction
    • Agent: Molecule
    • Target: Molecule
  • Functional_Equivalence
    • Element1: *
    • Element2: *
  • Involvement_In_Process
    • Participant:Molecule
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
  • Localization
    • Functional_Molecule: Functional_Molecule
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
    • Target_Tissue:Tissue

(Functional_Molecule et Process are mutuelly exclusive)

  • Family_Membership
    • Element:Gene|Gene_Family|Protein|Protein_Domain|Protein_Family|RNA
    • Family:Gene_Family|Protein_Family|RNA
  • Protein_Domain_Composition
    • Domain:Protein_Domain
    • Product:DNA_Product
  • Occurrence_During
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
    • Development:Development_Phase
  • Occurrence_In_Genotype
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
    • Genotype:Genotype
  • Regulation_Of_Accumulation
    • Agent:*
    • Functional_Molecule:Functional_Molecule
  • Regulation_Of_Development_Phase
    • Agent:*
    • Development:Development_Phase
  • Regulation_Of_Expression
    • Agent:*
    • DNA:DNA
  • Regulation_Of_Molecule_Activity
    • Agent:*
    • Molecule:Molecule
  • Regulation_Of_Process
    • Agent:*
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
  • Regulation_Of_Tissue_Development
    • Agent:*
    • Target_Tissue:Tissue
  • Transcription_Or_Translation
    • Source:DNA|RNA
    • Product:DNA_Product

All event types, except Exists_In_Genotype may have the following optional arguments

  • Tissue:Tissue
  • Developmental_Stage:Development_Phase
  • Organism_Genotype:Genotype
  • Environmental_Factor:Environmental_Factor
  • Hormone:Hormone

Binary relations

Their description follows the syntax:

  • relation label
    • list of required arguments (role, list of entity types separated by | )
  • Binds_To
    • Functional_Molecule:Functional_Molecule
    • Molecule:Molecule
  • Composes_Primary_Structure
    • DNA_Part:Box|Promoter
    • DNA:DNA
  • Composes_Protein_Complex
    • Amino_Acid_Sequence:Protein|Protein_Family|Protein_Complex|Protein_Domain
    • Protein_Complex:Protein_Complex
  • Exists_At_Stage
    • Functional_Molecule:Functional_Molecule
    • Development:Development_Phase
  • Exists_In_Genotype
    • Molecule: Molecule
    • Element: Biological context
    • Genotype: Genotype

(Molecule et Element are mutually exclusive)

  • Has_Sequence_Identical_To
    • Element1:*
    • Element2:*
  • Interacts_With
    • Agent: Molecule
    • Target: Molecule
  • Is_Functionally_Equivalent_To
    • Element1: *
    • Element2: *
  • Is_Involved_In_Process
    • Participant:Molecule
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
  • Is_Localized_In
    • Functional_Molecule: Functional_Molecule
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
    • Target_Tissue:Tissue

(Functional_Molecule et Process are mutuelly exclusive)

  • Is_Member_Of_Family
    • Element:Gene|Gene_Family|Protein|Protein_Domain|Protein_Family|RNA
    • Family:Gene_Family|Protein_Family|RNA
  • Is_Protein_Domain_Of
    • Domain:Protein_Domain
    • Product:DNA_Product
  • Occurs_During
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
    • Development:Development_Phase
  • Occurs_In_Genotype
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
    • Genotype:Genotype
  • Regulates_Accumulation
    • Agent:*
    • Functional_Molecule:Functional_Molecule
  • Regulates_Development_Phase
    • Agent:*
    • Development:Development_Phase
  • Regulates_Expression
    • Agent:*
    • DNA:DNA
  • Regulates_Molecule_Activity
    • Agent:*
    • Molecule:Molecule
  • Regulates_Process
    • Agent:*
    • Process:Dynamic_Process
  • Regulates_Tissue_Development
    • Agent:*
    • Target_Tissue:Tissue
  • Transcribes_Or_Translates_To
    • Source:DNA|RNA
    • Product:DNA_Product
  • Is_Linked_To
    • Agent:*
    • Target:*