Cool Stuff to try!

This Presentation:


From the makers of MakeyMakey, this allows you to pause your game and change the code, allowing you to insert yourself into the game, change the size of your character, give him/her a jetpack, add a portal, and much more!


2019 Toy of the Year Finalist, this marble run is much more complex than typical runs and is great for high school students who need a bit more challenge in their construction games.

Conductive Paint!

Find this conductive paint in several sizes at Bare Conductive or Eduporium!

Super Spirograph

Gifted to each librarian by our library director this year, these old fashioned create toys have been popular with our students!


Block coding that allows you to create designs that can then be exported to an embroidery machine!

CoSpaces EDU with the Merge Cube--students can create their own AR/VR content--I've applied for a grant for this. Fingers crossed!

3D Geometric Shapes VR App

Hummingbird Robotics

Get students creating and programming their own robots--they can animate paper, cardboard, foil---just about anything!

Vendor: Mackin

Using Bricks to Create Secret Codes

Acrylic Pen Turning

SnapCircuit Wall--we already have a Lego wall. This looks like fun!

Yarn Painting using sticky-back tiles from Home Depot to Remove Image Backgrounds

Whack-A-Mole Game Using Makey-Makey!

Maker Plinko Game

MotionBlock- from Make Block (drone!). Motion Block is a programmable, transformable robot. Look for it at

UCAR UAV (Drone) Curriculum:

Free-everything you need to start a drone club in your school (minus the drones, of course)

Recommended drone

Free Video Editing with Headliner

Stop Motion Across Computer Screens


Uses block coding to create objects that can be 3D printed


Math concepts translated to art!

Geometry and programming combined

Giant Scrabble Board! There must be a good way to DIY this!

Beat Box Instrument for Your Recording Studio

Hologlobe app. Use with Merge cubes to see weather patterns in real time from NASA/NOAA--and it's free!

Galactic Explorer app for Merge Cube. The Merge cube is the sun and students can see the planets orbiting it--when they select a planet, they get more info (and actual sounds recorded in space play for each one). Free!

Augmented Reality Sandbox. Saw this at TCEA 2018 and still dreaming of getting it!

Magnetic Building Blocks

Powerup 3.0 Paper Airplanes

A kit to make a smartphone-controlled paper airplane

Dowling Magnets Jr. Architect Wonderboard Magnet Set--architectural elements (and comes with a magnetic dry-erase board). Check out their site--lots of great ideas!

Makey-Makey Floor Piano!

Pringles Ringle!

Use physics to make a ring out of Pringles! No Glue!

Buildr Tape

I've been seeing this for a while and I need to commit, already! It would make for some fun Lego builds

Mockups Cards--a tool for creative thinking. Choose 3 cards, one of each color, and that becomes your design challenge

I don't know what I can do with this one, but there must be something! Love it!


Flexible rubber connectors for building with natural sticks etc.

Worx Power Cutter

Great for cutting through cardboard, denim, and more, up to 1/4" thick

Compose Yourself Music Card Game:

A simple game to get kids started with composing music.

Amazon link

Stationary Bike in the library. I wrote a grant for this one, but haven't yet heard! Cross your fingers for me!

New ways to do forts! This might work at the high school level as a large build!

SpecDrums by Sphero

Fun and easy app-based music composition, using color