A Word About Makerspaces

This Presentation: www.bit.ly/50Makerspaces

purity in making versus

Curriculum Connected Makerspaces

Generally, there are two kinds of makerspaces:

Long Term & Short Term

Long Term Makerspaces: These are the kind that stay out and are used anytime, by any maker. Generally, they are lower maintenance spaces and only require minimal supervision, or none at all. Sometimes they have a very clear purpose, and sometimes they are tinker areas with lots of space for creativity.

Short Term Makerspaces: These are the kind that are brought out for short periods of time and rotated in and out of your storage when desired. These spaces often include high maintenance tinkering that requires the attention or supervision of an adult in the school environment. Examples include high dollar or dangerous items which need to be monitored, seasonal spaces, or those which are more complicated and may need some adult coaching.

displaying diy books

(CLHS) I display my DIY books on shelf-toppers near the maker spaces that they apply to: Art books near the create space, science books near the science space, tech books near the deconstruct space etc. I use homemade maker labels for the tops of the spines to help prevent mis-shelving. Call numbers are DIY in front of the normal call.

Makerspace Books

(SIS) I pulled all of my books that could be considered makerspace books and put them into a separate section in the library. I use green spine label covers on all the books in the maker section. They are sorted by maker categories, such as coding/computing, Legos, Duct/Washi tape, Wearables, Paper Crafting, Drawing, etc.

These are Laura Fleming's Seven Attributes of a Great Makerspace. You can follow her @LFlemingEDU. Visit her site at https://www.worldsofmaking.com