
Publications and Accepted Articles

"Downward Revision of Investment Decisions after Corporate Tax Hikes" (joint with Manuel Menkhoff, Andreas Peichl, and Paul Schüle), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming. [Former versions: CESifo WP No. 9786 and IZA DP No. 16056]. Policy briefs: EconPol, Cato.

"Demand or Supply? Price Adjustment Heterogeneity during the Covid-19 Pandemic" (joint with Almut Balleer, Manuel Menkhoff, and Peter Zorn), International Journal of Central Banking, 20(1):93-158, 2024. [Former versions: Covid Economics, 31, 23 June 2020: 59-102, CESifo WP No. 8394, IZA DP No. 13568] . Policy briefs: VOXeu, ifo Schnelldienst.

"Information Frictions among Firms and Households" (joint with Andreas Peichl, Chris Roth, and Johannes Wohlfart), Journal of Monetary Economics, 135:99-115, 2023. [CESifo WP No. 8969, IZA DP No. 15090, SSRN]. ifo Outstanding Publication Award, Society for the Promotion of Economic Research (Freunde des ifo Instituts) e.V. 

"Sentiment and Firm Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic(joint with Lukas Buchheim, Jonas Dovern, and Carla Krolage), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 195:186-198, 2022. [CESifo WP No. 8304, IZA DP No. 13253]. Policy brief: ifo Schnelldienst. Coverage:, Augsburger Allgemeine.

"Sudden Stop: When Did Firms Anticipate the Potential Consequences of COVID-19?" (joint with Lukas Buchheim and Carla Krolage), German Economic Review, 23(1):79-119, 2022. [Former versions: Covid Economics, Issue 36, 10 July 2020: 25-44; IZA DP No. 13457; CESifo WP 8429]

"Harmonization of the ifo Business Survey's Micro Data", Journal of Economics and Statistics, 240(4):543-555, 2020. [For older version that also includes information regarding the interpretation of the IBS micro data see: CESifo WP No.7427]

Working Papers

"Attention to the Macroeconomy" (joint with Andreas Peichl, Chris Roth, and Johannes Wohlfart), CESifo WP No. 10858 or ECONtribute Discussion Paper No. 256, 2023.

"The Price and Employment Response of Firms to the Introduction of Minimum Wages", CESifo WP No. 7575 or IZA DP No. 157012022; [Latest Version]. Coverage: Handelsblatt.

"The Effect of Disaggregate Information on the Expectation Formation of Firms" (joint with Lukas Buchheim),  CESifo WP No. 6768, 2017.

Work in Progress (selected)

Inflation and Wage Expectations of Firms and Employees” (joint with Lukas Buchheim and Sascha Möhrle).

The Effect of New Information on Expectation Formation: Insights from a Large Demand Shock” (joint with Lukas Buchheim).