
(mostly academic, some of them peer-reviewed)

Dieguez S & Delouvée S (2022). Du désir de persécution. Lignes, 69: 53-64.

Wagner-Egger P, Bangerter A, Delouvée S & Dieguez S (2022). Awake together: sociopsychological processes of engagement in conspiracist communities. Current Opinion in Psychology, 47: 101417.

Fuhrer J, Cova F, Gauvrit N & Dieguez S (2021). Pseudoexpertise: a conceptual and theoretical analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 732666.

Dieguez S (à paraître). Paradoxes de l'expertise.

Dieguez S (à paraître). Pourquoi moi?

Dieguez S & Wagner-Egger P. (2021). Réflexions sur la forme de la Terre. In J. Baechler & G. Bronner (Eds.), L'Irrationnel aujourd'hui (pp. 323-400). Paris: Hermann.

Dieguez M & Dieguez S (2021). « Vivre avec ses dettes : obstacles financiers, sociaux et cognitifs au désendettement. In Processus d’endettement et de surendettement : la Suisse en perspective.

ElTarhouni A, Beer L, Mouthon M, Erni B, Aellen J, Annoni J-M, Accolla E, Dieguez S & Chabwine J (2020). The right thalamic ventral posterolateral nucleus seems to be determinant for macrosomatognosia: a case report. BMC Neurology, 20: 393.

Walter Y, Dieguez S, Mouthon M, Spierer L (2020). Brain structural evidence for a frontal pole specialization in glossolalia. IBRO Reports, 9: 32-36.

Dieguez S (2020). « Post-vérité ». In Dictionnaire critique de l’anthropocène, Paris, CNRS Editions, 665-667.

Dieguez S (2019). La cigale et la mante fantôme: un conte de la post-vérité. AOC

Dieguez S (2019). La vie après la mort. In N. Gauvrit & S. Delouvée (éds.), Des têtes bien faites : défense de l’esprit critique. Paris: PUF, pp. 121-137.

Dieguez S (2019) . Bullshittez votre cerveau et libérez votre bullshit: la méthode Aberkane et l’effet gourou inverse.

Dieguez S (2018). La connerie à l’ère de la post-vérité. In J-F Marmion (éd.), Psychologie de la connerie, Auxerre, éd. Sciences Humaines, 2018, pp. 241-264.

Dieguez S (2018). Ganser syndrome. Front Neurol Neurosci, 42 : 1-22.

Dieguez S (2018). Cotard syndrome. Front Neurol Neurosci, 42 : 23-34.

Wagner-Egger P, Delouvée S, Gauvrit N, Dieguez S (2018). Creationism and conspiracism share a common teleological bias. Current Biology, 28(16): R867-R868.

Dieguez S (2018). The illusion illusion. Constructivist Foundations, 14(1): 108-110.

Dieguez S, Kaeser M, Roux C, Cottet J, Annoni JM, Schmidlin E (2017). Birth and death of a phantom. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 5(1): 98-101.

Dieguez S (2017). Post-truth: the dark side of the brain. Scientific American Mind. (translated from the French: Cerveau & Psycho, n°88, mai 2017)

Heydrich L, Kaliuzhna M, Dieguez S, Nançoz R, Blanke O, Seeck M (2017). Ictal postural phantom limb sensation is associated with impaired mental imagery of body parts. Journal of Neurology, 264(7): 1532-1535.

Dieguez S & Lopez C (2017). The bodily self: insights from clinical and experimental research. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60(3): 198-207.

Dieguez S (2016). Micromégas: altered body/environment scaling in literary fiction. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 556.

Dieguez S, Bronner G, Campion-Vincent V, Delouvée S, Gauvrit N, Lantian A, Wagner-Egger P (2016). “They” respond: comments on Basham et al.’s “Social science conspiracy-theory panic: now they want to cure everyone”, Social Epistemology, 5(12): 20-39.

Blanke O, Dieguez S & Faivre N (2016). Leaving body and life behind: out-of-body and near-death experience. In: S Laureys, O. Gosseries & G Tononi (eds.) The Neurology of Consciousness: cognitive neuroscience and neuropathology, 2nd edition. Elsevier. pp. 323-347.

Dieguez S (2016). Heaven is not for real [Review of The Myth of the Afterlife], Skeptic, 21(3): 60-62.

Dieguez S & Bogousslavsky J (2016). L’aphasie de Baudelaire. Histoires Littéraires, 65, 65-91

Dieguez S, Wagner-Egger P, Gauvrit N (2015). Nothing Happens by Accident, or Does It? A Low Prior for Randomness Does Not Explain Belief in Conspiracy Theories. Psychological Science, 26(11) : 1762-1770.

Martuzzi R, van der Zwaag W, Dieguez S, Serino A, Gruetter R, Blanke O (2015). Distinct contributions of Brodmann areas 1 and 2 to body ownership. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 10(11): 1449-1459.

Chouiter L, Tzovara A, Dieguez S, Annoni J-M, Magezi D, De Lucia M & Spierer L (2015). Experience-based auditory predictions modulate brain activity to silence as do real sounds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(10): 1968-1980.

Lopez C & Dieguez S (2015). La représentation du corps et ses troubles: approches de la neuropsychologie et des neurosciences cognitives. In: Pérennou D., Rode, G., Azouvi, P., & Brun, V. (Eds.). La cognition spatiale. Sauramps Médical, Monpellier, pp. 63-88.

Dieguez S & Hemmerle S (2014). Le bilinguisme au-delà du langage: la thèse de la double personnalité. Rev Neuropsychol. 6: 182-190.

Chouiter L, Dieguez S, Annoni JM, Spierer L (2014). High and low stimulus-driven conflict engage segregated brain networks, not quantitatively different resources. Brain Topogr, 27: 279-292.

Dieguez S (2014). La narration imagée de l’homme-machine. Histoires Littéraires, 59-60: 15-40. (Version longue)

Bogousslavsky J & Dieguez S (2014). Sigmund Freud and hysteria: the etiology of psychoanalysis? Front Neurol Neurosci, 35: 109-125.

Dieguez S (2013). Balzac’s Louis Lambert: schizophrenia before Kraepelin and Bleuler. Front Neurol Neurosci, 31: 10-34.

Dieguez S (2013). Doubles everywhere: literary contributions to the study of the bodily self. Front Neurol Neurosci, 31: 77-115.

Dieguez S, & Annoni J-M (2013). Stranger than fiction: literary and clinical amnesia. Front Neurol Neurosci, 31: 137-168.

Dieguez S, & Annoni J-M (2013). Asomatognosia: disorders of the bodily self. In O Godefroy (ed.) Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke, 2nd edition, chap. 13. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 170-192.

Ghika J, Dieguez S, Assal F, Demonet JF (2013). Conduites spéculaires dans les démences: les multiples signes du miroir. Rev Méd Suisse, 9: 2095-2099.

Dieguez S, Scherer J, & Blanke O (2011). My face through the looking-glass: the effect of mirror reversal on reflection-size estimation. Consciousness and Cognition, 20(4): 1452-1459.

Dieguez S, & Blanke O (2011). Altered states of bodily consciousness. In E Cardeña and M Winkelman (eds.), Altering consciousness: a multidisciplinary perspective, Vol.2. Westport: Praeger, pp. 237-262.

Dieguez S (2010). “A man can be destroyed but not defeated”: Ernest Hemingway’s near-death experience and declining health. Front Neurol Neurosci, 27: 174-206.

Heydrich L, Dieguez S, Grunwald T, Seeck M, & Blanke O. (2010). Illusory own body perceptions: case reports and relevance for bodily self-consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition, 19: 702-706.

Dieguez S, Mercier M, Newby N, & Blanke O (2009). Feeling numbness for someone else’s finger. Current Biology, 19: R1108-R1109. (Supplementary Material)

Khateb A, Simon SR, Dieguez S, Lazeyras F, Momjian-Mayor I, Blanke O, Landis T, Pegna AJ, & Annoni JM (2009). Seeing the phantom: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of a supernumerary phantom limb. Annals of Neurology, 65: 698-705. (additional unpublished clinical observations on the case)

Blanke O, & Dieguez S (2009). Leaving body and life behind: out-of-body and near-death experience. In: S Laureys and G Tononi (eds.) The Neurology of Consciousness: cognitive neuroscience and neuropathology. Elsevier. Pp. 303-325.

Blanke O, Forcucci L, & Dieguez S (2009). Don’t forget the artists when studying perception of art. Nature, 462: 984.

Dieguez S (2009). NDE experiment: ethical concerns. Skeptical Inquirer, 33(5): 44-48.

Dieguez S (2008). The soul of the gaps (review of Irreducible Mind: toward a psychology for the 21st century, by EF Kelly et al., Skeptic, 15(1): 75-77.

Dieguez S (2008). NDE Redux: skeptics need to reclaim, redefine and embrace near-death experiences. Skeptic, 14(3): 42-43.

Dieguez S, Staub F, & Bogousslavsky J (2007). Asomatognosia. In J Bogousslavsky & O Godefroy (eds). The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke. Cambridge University Press. pp. 215-253.

Dieguez S, & Bogousslavsky J (2007). Baudelaire’s aphasia: from poetry to cursing. Front Neurol Neurosci, 22: 121-149.

Dieguez S, Assal G, & Bogousslavsky J (2007). Visconti and Fellini: from left social neorealism to right-hemisphere stroke. Front Neurol Neurosci, 22: 44-74.

Carota A, Dieguez S, & Bogousslavsky J (2005). Psychopathologie des accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil, 3 : 235-249.

Dieguez S (2005). Vers une neuropsychologie sociale. Archives suisses de neurologie et de Psychiatrie, 156 : 147-172.

Croquelois A, Assal G, Annoni JM, Staub F, Gronchi A, Bruggimann L, Dieguez S, & Bogousslavsky J (2005). Diseases of the nervous system : patients’ aetiological beliefs. JNNP, 74: 582-584.

Dieguez S, & Bogousslavsky J (2005). The one-man band of pain: Alphonse Daudet and his painful experience of tabes dorsalis. Front Neurol Neurosci, 19: 17-45.

Dieguez S, Staub F, Bruggimann L, & Bogousslavsky J (2004). Is poststroke depression a vascular depression? J Neurol Sci, 226: 53-58.

Perrin A, Dieguez S, Schluep M, Greber C, & Vingerhoets F (2002). Epilepsie, accidents vasculaires cérébraux, parkinsonisme et sclérose en plaques : comportement et humeur. Archives suisses de neurologie et de Psychiatrie, 153 : 393-402.