
Who We Are

We are an international group of librarians passionate about systematic searching. We are building a living freely available Library of Search Strategy Resources (LSSR). Our aim is to help those searching for health literature to source and build search strategies. This resource also contains additional information to enhance literature searching skills. 

Consider adding a link to our resource in your library guides to help more people access it.

Contribute to our Initiative

To make our library even better, we need your assistance in bringing to our attention any other additional freely available online resources. We are particularly interested in the following types:

Consider share your suggestions by emailing us at searchresourceslib@gmail.com, and feel free to pass along our details to anyone you think could benefit from or contribute to our resource.

LSSR Group Members

Andra Fry (Co-Lead), Information Specialist, LSE Library, UK

Mark Mueller (Co-Lead), Clinical Librarian, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Canada

Lina Gulhane, Senior Information Manager, NICE, UK

Muguet Koobasi, Information Specialist, Ghent University, Belgium

Rena Lubker, Research and Education Informationist, Medical University of South Carolina Libraries, US

Nele Pauwels, Information Specialist, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium

Vanja Stojanovic, Teaching and Learning Librarian, Brock University Library, Canada

Professional Organisation

This project started as part of the Evidence-Based Information Special Interest Group (EBI-SIG) within the European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL).

How to cite this website

Please cite this web resource as:

Library of Search Strategy Resources [Internet]. LSSR Group; 2023 [updated  29 April 2024; cited 28 October 2024]. Available from https://sites.google.com/view/searchresourceslib

Thank You

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for your contributions and suggestions! We truly appreciate your help in building this resource for our community. 

Special thanks go to the previous group that initiated the EAHIL Search Blocks site and provided invaluable insights and recommendations derived from their findings.