
Who are we and what is this site about?

We are biomedical information specialists and would like to share with our colleagues collected sites or blogs containing so called "search blocks" (you may also call them search filters/saves/hedges/strings).

A search block contains the searchstrategy for one element/concept (building block) - e.g. patient, intervention, studydesign - as a part of a searchstrategy for a research or a clinical question.

Reusing search blocks may help you to build your own search strategy in a better way by using the knowledge and experience of others. Most of the search blocks are not validated!

Please be aware that the search blocks presented are a starting point for your own search.

You should always adjust the blocks to your specific question!

You may find search blocks for:

- Pubmed / Medline (several providers)

- Embase

- Cinahl

- PsycInfo

- Cochrane library

A collection of sites can be found on the next page (sites).

PRESSforum (Peer Reviewed Search Strategies) gives you (after registration) the possibility for a peer review of your own searchstrategy.

If you have questions or suggestions for other sites please contact us!

Gerdien de Jonge (retired)

Regina Küfner Lein

Marli van Amsterdam-Lunze (retired)