Text Mining & Thesauri

Here you will find a list of tools and thesauri that you can use for text mining

MeSH on Demand identifies MeSH terms in a given text (abstract or manuscript) and displays related PubMed articles relevant to a submitted text

The MeSH Browser is a tool provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that allows users to search and browse the MeSH database. It provides access to the hierarchical structure of MeSH terms, their definitions, and related concepts,
as well as subheadings

The MeSH database allows you to search for MeSH terms and add relevant terms to a search query directly in PubMed

Identify a list of synonyms, antonyms, definitions and sentences for a term. Useful to find new terms to add to a search

PubMed PubReminer analyses a set of articles from a PubMed searchquery, generating frequency tables for e.g. MeSH subject headings, text words, and journals or authors

Use to tool to create a grid by entering up to 20 PubMed unique identifiers (PMIDs) to visualize what MeSH terms are assigned to these records

This page was last checked on 02 June 2024.