The Plan

What is the Plan?

SEAN will start in the middle of a corner square in the Wumpus World. First, SEAN will attempt to explore safe routes that could lead to the gold.

However, SEAN will most likely encounter the Stench and some Breezes while mapping the possible routes. When SEAN detects the Stench or a Breeze, it will go backwards to the previous square, and enter into any other possible safe square from that location. If a Breeze or the Stench follows SEAN, it will it will use logic to deduce the location of the dreaded Wumpus or breezy Pit. If the detected hazard is a wumpus, SEAN will attempt to fire at it leaving that space safe to traverse.

The same mechanism will work on finding the Gold, since SEAN will find Glitter Residue on the squares surrounding the square containing the Gold. Once SEAN finds the Gold, it will then return to its starting location without stopping. This will be possible due to the memory aspect of the program; SEAN treats any space it has not been on as a potential threat and takes a safe, trusted pack back home.