Day by Day Production Progress


  • The Team created the Logbook to record information

  • Completed Inventory Check

  • The Team created the rough body for the Robot (UNNAMED) taking on the Wumpus challenge

  • Slight trouble connecting and pushing code to EV3


  • The Team managed to implement Color Sensors and Motors, completing the building process

  • The Team was split into two groups:

      • Software Group : will handle all logic and complex functions

      • Motor and Web Group : will handle movement and basic functions as well as website creation


  • Software started on the Logic for Wumpus

  • The Team managed to connect the Robot to the Python Program after several failed attempts since the first day

  • Software set up a shared workspace in Visual Studio

  • Motor managed to make the Robot (SEAN) move forwards, backwards, and go in both 180-degree and 90-degree turns


  • Web continued website creation and began formatting

  • Software created logic for location updates, neighbor functions, and for accounting for signals

  • Software wrote pseudo code on paper in order to figure out future code

  • Motor made SEAN perform a figure eight


  • Software continued work on the Logic

  • The Team found niche case errors and corrected them

  • Software completed the Finding Gold Path Function

  • Motor completed the Correction function

  • SEAN performs the correct figure eight it was tasked to do


  • Software finalized the Logic

  • Motor faced slight Correction-based errors

  • SEAN performs its first complete run of the Wumpus World


  • Motor finally solved the Correction-based errors

  • SEAN tackled several different Wumpus World iterations, completing them all

  • The Team prepares to present SEAN

  • SEAN solves all of its tests on the night of presentation