
Planned Schedule

23rd June - Day 1

10.00-11.00 Arrivals and Informal Meetings

Coffee and space for meetings - come early and meet your colleagues!

11.00-11.30 Registration & Networking

Registration and networking activity among participants. Time to view ARCH-UK project and partner organisation posters


Event overview by Dave Little. A focus on nurturing individual, community and planetary health through improving seafood consumption in the UK diet, with insight into the Global Blue Food Assessment and why we need to tailor it to the UK.

12:00-13:00 PANEL 1 / Chair: Dave Little

Key challenges in transforming the UK diet & the role of seafood.
  • Geoff Tansey, Food Systems Academy: Opening comments around challenges and opportunities to the broader UK food systems transformation.

  • Baukje de Roos, University of Aberdeen: What is special about seafood? The nutritional and health benefits.

  • Jon Hillier, University of Edinburgh: The environmental impacts of blue food.

  • Christina Hicks, Lancaster University: Seafood equity & justice issues.

13.00-14.00 LUNCH

14:00-15:00 CASE STUDIES / Chair: Michel Kaiser

New initiatives and the current status of seafood in UK diets.
  • Baukje de Roos, University of Aberdeen & Hamish Macdonell, Salmon Scotland: Farmed salmon in Stirling schools – a pilot (and potential model) aiming to change diets in the UK.

  • Lorna Cooper: Why seafood is an affordable part of everyone's diet?

  • Huw Thomas, 3 Pillars Seafood Ltd: Where does your fish come from? Trends in UK seafood.

15:00-16:00 PANEL 2 / Chair: Anton Immink

Diverse perspectives on the future of the seafood sector.
  • Ally Dingwall, Aquaculture Stewardship Council

  • Martin Jaffa, Callander McDowell

  • Jude Brown, Isle of Skye Mussel Company

  • Patrick Blow, Cape Wrath Oysters

  • Hamish Macdonell, Salmon Scotland

  • Jimmy Young, University of Stirling

  • Rhianna Rees, The Seaweed Academy

  • Dan Lee, Global Seafood Alliance

16:00-16:30 BREAK - COFFEE & TEA


Seafood from a UK / Scotland policy perspective.

17:00-18:00 EXHIBITS & DEMONSTRATIONS (open to attendees & public)

Interactive displays showing why increasing the consumption of seafood in the UK is a key part of transforming UK diets, making them - 1) more nutritionally balanced, 2) better for the planet and 3) improving the lives of people here and in lower income countries. Recent research and practitioner experience…wander around, ask questions, discover!


    • The impact of seafood on the earth's resources compared to other foods. (Richard Newton, Bjorn Kok)

    • Learn how seaweed is going to be the next frontier food. (Iain Gatward)

    • How has your farmed salmon changed and how does that change impact your health? (Baukje de Roos, Matthew Sprague)

    • Come Dine with Cat -how can we get our kids to eat seafood? (Catriona Frankitti)

    • Affordable seafood dinners: nutritional, tasty and environmentally sound (Amy McGoohan)

    • Find out where your seafood comes from and its impact on those producing it (Steph Horn, Reed Ozretich, Mausam Bhudakhotti)

    • Blue Fashion: don’t just eat seafood…wear it! (William Anderton)

    • Eat the whole fish: reduce waste and retain nutrition from our seafood. (Wesley Malcorps, Richard Newton)

    • Forth Valley College and Start -up Stirling are collaborating to improve diets locally. (Andy Ireland)

18:00-19:00 PANEL 3 / Chair: Dave Little (open to general public + recorded)

Big Fish Seminar: Should we really be eating seafood? – the risks, barriers and opportunities.
  • Christina Hicks, University of Lancaster

  • Emily de Sousa, Seafood Content Creator at Seaside with Emily

  • Phil Taylor, Open Seas

  • Ally Dingwall, Aquaculture Stewardship Council

  • Catriona Frankitti, Innes Ross Ltd

  • Hazel Healy, DeSmog Investigative Journalism

  • Martin Jaffa, Callander McDowell

19:30 DINNER

Hosted by Forth Valley College/Start-up Stirling who are championing seafood in their menu. Limited Spaces!

24th June - Day 2


9:30-10:20 PANEL 4 / Chair: Christina Hicks

A fair share? Global supply chains & the farmed seafood on your plate.
  • Geoff Tansey, Food Systems Academy

  • Ally Dingwall, Aquaculture Stewardship Council

  • Eva Maire, Lancaster University

  • Hazel Healy, DeSmog Investigative Journalism

  • Dan Lee, Global Seafood Alliance

10:20-10:30 SHORT BREAK

10:30-11:00 RICHARD NEWTON

The big picture: environmental impact and nutritional outcomes differentiate seafood from alternatives.


Poster session in Crush Hall.

11:30-11:45 BREAK + COFFEE

11:45-12:30 PANEL 5 / Chair: Jimmy Young

Transforming seafood demand
  • Huw Thomas, 3 Pillars Seafood Ltd.

  • Steve Euston, Heriot-Watt University

  • Karen Galloway, Seafood Scotland

  • Bill Clark, Zero Waste Scotland

  • Baukje de Roos, University of Aberdeen


Myths and truths around seafood. Visions of a better diet. Take home points from the event. Key messages for policy makers.
    • Event Organisers (Dave Little, Baukje de Roos, Christina Hicks)

13:00-15:00 LUNCH & NETWORKING