Normally, when the user installs a fresh seafile client, a login dialog would prompt him/her to fill the server address and user credentials. These behavior can be preconfigured by IT admins so that the users don't need to do it themselves.

For client version < 8.0, if you are using 64-bit windows and using HKLM instead of HKCU to deploy your seafile program. please note you need to correct the PrimaryKey to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Seafile instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Seafile. This is because seafile client is compiled as a 32-bit application on windows.This restriction no longer applies to version 8.0 or newer. The client has been compiled as a 64-bit application since 8.0.

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While this is the expected action for most users, it may be necessary to disable it sometimes. For example, when the seafile client is installed with Windows Group Policy Object (GPO), the program would be launched with the ADMIN user (instead of the current login user), which would make the program work incorrectly. In such cases, it's desirable to disable the launch of seafile client after installation.

Since version 7.0.6, you may use the option below to control average block size for indexing files in Sync client. Please note that, after setting this option in registry, you have to restart the sync client twice to let the option take effect.

You have to update all the clients in all the PCs. If one PC does not use the v3.1.11, when the "deleting folder" information synced to this PC, it will fail to delete the folder completely. And the folder will be synced back to other PCs. So other PCs will see the folder reappear again.

After successfully log into the server, the Drive client starts to fetch library and file list from the server. The file contents are not downloaded at this moment. So it'll not take very long. You can let it run in the background. You'll be noticed when the fetch is done.

The root folder of the virtual drive contains only library folders. Seafile can only sync files inside libraries. Files in the root folder cannot be uploaded to Seafile server. So it doesn't make sense to support creating files in root folder. Since the top level folders in the virtual drive represents libraries, we don't want users to delete their libraries by mistake. So the Drive client doesn't support deleting top level folders.

Great idea! but would love it to support mobile clients like Android where the storage space savings could be enormous and let you, for instance, keep a media library on the seafile server and stream it as needed (when on wifi or if one has a big data plan)

So i generate a new cert for my domain, only ISRG Root X1 is now the root, so far so good.

However, now I no longer get the certificates error with the Seafile client.

I also tested a snapshot from 5 months ago and it suddenly works now too

The Seafile client threw an error on a Seafile server with the ISRG Root X1 Root CA.

After I opened the web user interface of this Seafile server with Chrome, I had to restart the Seafile client afterwards, but then it worked without problems.

Seafile's encryption was done at the client's level but was flawed in its design from what I could read a year ago or so. However, Seafile may give you an extra level of confort in that it breaks up the files you upload into 'packets' kept independently of the file structure. This makes it harder for the system administrator to read your files on the server.

I am using Gnome desktop and the launch via the seafile destop file would not work. What worked for me: I opened the seafile.desktop (/usr/share/applications) file in an editor and checked out the exec line (seafile-applet). I tested to start seafile with typing 'seafile-applet' in the terminal, which worked fine. I then added this line in the command field of the dialog of the startup application. So basically very similar to the KDE version as described above.

Like with Dropbox and co., you can sync two PCs from Cloud Server. But you need a running Seafile Client on both PCs. So, you need to log in on the PC to have the Seafile client running. After restarting you have to login again. I don't know, if there is a background sync solution for Seafile. Seafile is great way to have your folders/files auto synced on many PCs and access they from mobile devices. It supports also encrypted libraries.

While there has been documentation on how to enable HTTPS for seafile in *nix environment. There is no documentation for doing this on windows. Looking at the nginx implementation, it is essentially doing a reverse proxy. This is something that IIS+URL Rewrite can easily achieve! Before we proceed, take a look and understand the reverse proxy requirements found at -Https-on-Seafile-web-with-nginx I will not go into steps on how to generate your own SSL cert, but rather focus on how to use IIS to reverse proxy the necessary ports. Requirements

Go to the folder C:\SeafileProgram\seafile-server-1.7.0\, and double click run.bat to start Seafile Server. You should notice a seafile icon appears in the system tray.Choose a disk to store Seafile Server data

If you want to make changes to the luckycloud Client, it is important that the luckycloud Service has been stopped before. Otherwise the parallel operation of the service plus GUI client can lead to database conflicts.

Looking for a better Seafile alternative? FileCloud is the best Enterprise file sync and share platform with high performance and reliability. FileCloud can be run on windows server, supports synchronization of files with Windows client, can be hosted on premise or online. FileCloud is a better sync platform compared to Seafile and much more secure as well.

FileCloud gives you more control over your data and much more security compliant features. Just like Seafile, FileCloud also provides cross platform file sync, mobile file access via android and ios, network drive client, permission controls, file versioning, multiple security levels, backup and data recovery and much more. FileCloud provides much more control with features like full text search, federated search, ransomware protection, powerful admin, superior user interface and better customer support than Seafile as the best alternative to Seafile.

FileCloud offers customization to use your own logo and custom login screen. We also offer large file support and unlimited client/ partner accounts, you can run FileCloud on your own domain and have 100% control of your data. Seafile is a good file share and sync platform but, it misses on features like LDAP and Active Directory, which are provided in FileCloud with all necessary Seafile features making it the best alternative to Seafile

A side by side comparison clearly shows FileCloud as the better seafile alternative than OwnCloud or Nextcloud. Seafile pricing varies by license type & volume, which is the same model followed by OwnCloud & NextCloud. The data security aspect is an interesting area for competitive analysis. Seafile 2fa support for two factor authentication along with seafile file locking makes for a decent security cover. OwnCloud & NextCloud also offer security features similar to Seafile cloud. The Seaile api upload file functionality is an example of a feature that stands out as unique in Seafile vs NextCloud or Seafile vs OwnCloud comparison. Overall, FileCloud features and functionalities exceeds that offered by Seafile, OwnCloud or NextCloud.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Seafile server and client. You can now access all your files through a web browser and Seafile client. Seafile client maps storage space in Seafile server as a virtual drive of your local storage. You can access all the files in the Seafile without syncing them.

Actually with Syncthing you can do everything too. The downside is that the sync client on Windows is underdeveloped and unintuitive. Nextcloud's sync client is much more graphical. In addition Nextcloud offers other things, if you are interested.

Can't speak for Windows, but the Linux client I found pretty easy. I set it up a long time ago then went to rsync. My one issue with it then, is it was repeatedly syncing (probably because of Chrome's .config folder in my home folder). It would sync 100's of times an hour. I was messing with it yesterday and turned off the "Watch" feature, and simply set the server side to "receive only" and client to "send only" and both were set to every 3600sec (4hrs).

The solution is either to deactivate the filter for system files in Duplicati or to remove the system attribute from the folder \Seafile, but I suppose maybe with the next update of the Seafile client software, the attribute will be set again, so I deactivated the filter for system files in Duplicati to solve the problem.

Please first note that, there are some known performance limitation when you map a Seafile webdav server as a local file system (or network drive). Uploading large number of files at once is usually much slower than the syncing client. That's because each file needs to be committed separately. The access to the webdav server may be slow sometimes. That's because the local file system driver sends a lot of unnecessary requests to get the files' attributes.

The client recommendation for WebDAV depends on your Windows version:- For Windows XP: Only non-encryped HTTP connection is supported by the Windows Explorer. So for security, the only viable option is to use third-party clients, such as Cyberduck or Bitkinex.- For Vista and later versions: Windows Explorer supports HTTPS connection. But it requires a valid certificate on the server. It's generally recommended to use Windows Explorer to map a webdav server as network dirve. If you use a self-signed certificate, you have to add the certificate's CA into Windows' system CA store.

This is because Windows Explorer has a limit of the file size downloaded from webdav server. To make this size large, change the registry entry on the client machine. There is a registry key named FileSizeLimitInBytes under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> WebClient -> Parameters. 2351a5e196

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