Additional Resources

TED Talks

Mike Velings: The Case for Fish Farming

    • We're headed towards a global food crisis: Nearly 3 billion people depend on the ocean for food, and at our current rate we already take more fish from the ocean than it can naturally replace. In this fact-packed, eye-opening talk, entrepreneur and conservationist Mike Velings proposes a solution: Aquaculture, or fish farming. "We must start using the ocean as farmers instead of hunters," he says, echoing Jacques Cousteau. "The day will come where people will demand farmed fish on their plates that's farmed well and farmed healthy -- and refuse anything less."

Dan Barber: How I Fell In Love With A Fish

    • Chef Dan Barber squares off with a dilemma facing many chefs today: how to keep fish on the menu. With impeccable research and deadpan humor, he chronicles his pursuit of a sustainable fish he could love, and the foodie's honeymoon he's enjoyed since discovering an outrageously delicious fish raised using a revolutionary farming method in Spain.

Perry Raso: The Importance of Sustainable Aquaculture in Our Future

    • Perry examines his path to developing sustainable aquaculture in Rhode Island, and points to the global need as protein demands rise and fisheries decline.

Bren Smith: Vertical Ocean Farming - The Least Deadliest Catch

    • Bren Smith's vertical ocean farm in Long Island Sound grows seaweed and shellfish and is designed to restore ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and create blue-green jobs for fishermen.

Steve Gaines: The Future of Food - The Rise of the Sea

    • The demand for food will grow dramatically by the middle of this century. How can we meet this demand with the lowest impact on the planet? Look to the sea.

Other Videos

NOAA Aquaculture Video Gallery

    • The full gallery of all NOAA's videos about aquaculture, including videos by region and by topic.

Mythbusting Marine Aquaculture

  • American Fisheries Society made this informative video that helps debunk some common myths about marine aquaculture