2.1.1 Watch: Challenges in the Post-Covid World

The world is changing rapidly, and education systems have to adapt to keep up. In recent years, we have seen unprecedented changes in the way we learn, teach, and work. As a result, there are now new imperatives we must address. These include the need to prepare students for careers that may not yet exist, to teach them how to navigate a complex and interconnected world, and to instill in them the values and skills they will need to be successful in the 21st century.

In this video, Mr. Vignesh Louis Naidu of The HEAD Foundation Singapore, explores the challenges in a post-Covid world. This video is originally from SEAMEO INNOTECH’s Strategic Thinking and Innovation Course 3: Leading and Sustaining Change.

Additional Resources

2.1.2 Read: Education in the Post-Pandemic

Below are three articles about education in the post-pandemic scenario. Choose at least one article to read. After reading, share your thoughts in the Padlet below. 

Has the Pandemic Ushered in New Norms in Education?

This article from Edutopia outlines the four areas in learning and education that are predicted to stay long after we’ve emerged from this pandemic.

Read the article here.

The Three Cs of Post-Pandemic School Leadership

This article from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) discusses three things that school leaders must have to lead their school communities through unimaginable changes.

Read the article here.

How School Culture Must Change, Post-Pandemic

Another article from Edutopia focuses on post-pandemic school culture and what school leaders must prioritize.

Read the article here.

2.1.3 Reflective Checkpoint: Changes

Monday, 6 November 2023, 3:58 PM

Number of replies: 194

Among the many changes that you are personally experiencing in learning and education, what is one change that you welcome the most and one that you find most difficult? Tell us why.

Keep the conversation going by responding to one or two co-learners.

2.2.1 Activity: The Post-Pandemic Scenario

The post-pandemic scenario is an opportunity to build back better education systems. The road to recovery and transformation looks different from country to country. In the Padlet below, share what is being done in your country to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. Be guided by the following questions:

2.3.1 What is Sensemaking?

Sensemaking is an important leadership capability during this time of great complexity, uncertainty, and continuous change. It’s a process by which you can give meaning to an experience and take action. Start by exploring - finding out what's going on and seeking as many types and sources of data as you can. In doing this, be sure to involve others as you try to understand the situation. Let your understanding of the situation emerge from your exploration and not from your existing knowledge, as this may not be relevant anymore. Learn from small experiments and your actions and see what happens.

To learn more about sensemaking, choose at least two videos to watch:

Christian Madsbjerg, author of “Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm” gives a brief definition of sensemaking.

     Elizabeth Pastor, co-founder of a visual sensemaking company called Humantific, delivers a short     masterclass on sensemaking.

2.5 Additional Resources


Sensemaking: A Core Skill for the 21st Century

This article featured in Medium gives attention to how we frame and act in the unknown and give meaning to our collective experience.

Where is Education Heading Next

Here are some of the key trends in education that all school leaders should be aware of.

Schools after COVID-19: From a teaching culture to a learning culture

What changes will stay long after the global pandemic? This article presents the new transformative approaches to K-12 education that go far beyond just online lessons at home.

COVID-19 Impact on Education

This report from the ReliefWeb presents a global analysis of the impact of COVID-19 to education. It details the relationships between education and its short term and long-term impacts.

Regional Forum 2022 Book of Proceedings

In January 2022, SEAMEO INNOTECH facilitated a Regional Forum that tackled the question: How might we reinvent schools for a better future of every learner in Southeast Asia? This Book of Proceedings documents what school heads, teachers, and other educational stakeholders from across the region offered as possible solutions to this critical question.

As we go along this learning journey, excerpts of the Book of Proceedings shall also be used as resources for certain modules as well.

Leadership Through Crisis: A Framework for Choosing Joy

How can we embrace change during pandemic? Here's a superintendent's thoughts.

Guide for Learning Recovery and Acceleration

This publication from the World Bank suggests a framework that can be used to recover the learning losses we have incurred during the pandemic, while emphasizing the lessons learned in the past 2 years as critical building blocks for better educational practices.


Will the coronavirus crisis lead to a fundamental change in education?

OECD TopClass Podcast featuring Roberto Benes (Director, Generation Unlimited), Wendy Kopp (CEO and Founder, Teach for All) and Andreas Schleicher (Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the OECD)