Additional Resources 

The best way to craft your leadership story is to tell it. Think about your experiences for the past year. What does a typical day look like for you during this time? To help you write your story, keep in mind the following.

At the end of each module, you will find this page that contains extra and optional resources. Feel free to read, watch, or listen to whatever you find useful. 


7 Ways Improvisation Will Enhance Your Leadership | ATDNearly 10 years ago, a pivotal book by author Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind, suggested that forces in the world economy would shift society from left-brain thinking to right-brain thinking as the dominant thought pattern. In retrospect, that is precisely where we’ve landed.  Think about the relevance of storytelling, our desire for product design, a resurgent demand for all things handcrafted, or how individuals are searching for greater meaning in their lives. It’s all foreshadowed in this book, and summed up nicely in two great sentences: “Meaning is the new money. The MFA is the new MBA.”    No longer are the arts being undervalued. It’s quite the opposite, in fact, they are being sought out and leveraged. The merging of art forms (right-brain) with business thinking (left-brain) is driving some unique development propositions.  Case in point: the merging of leadership competencies with applied improvisation (AI). In other words, the the art of improv capitalizes on the creative process to help “reframe” how leaders interpret—and therefore leverage—their personal style.   The benefits of improv are far-ranging. Here’s a small sampling of how business leaders are embracing this platform of right-brain thinking.   It is often said that leadership is part science and part art. It’s never really just about “what” you do, because it’s influenced greatly by “how” you do it. Style really does matter. Intentional effort applied to competencies (science) will undoubtedly serve a leader well. The differentiation, though, is how the leader chooses to demonstrate his or her mastered skills (art).  I believe the improv platform skillfully merges art with business and creates an avenue for us to challenge how we think about things—and that begins a whole new dimension of thinking. What’s more, AI’s use of principles, tools, practices, skills and mindsets of improvisational theater in non-theatrical settings may result in personal development, team development, creativity and innovation, and meaningful change for your organization.