Welcome to SEA-SLP!

Welcome aboard, Captain! You are now part of the Southeast Asian School Leadership Program or SEA-SLP, a course that is specially designed for school leaders like you who are captains steering their crew towards education recovery and transformation.  

School leadership matters now more than ever. 

Let us begin this learning journey by acknowledging that recent times have been the most transformational, disruptive, yet creative years in education. We braved the highs and lows; we endured the challenges. Issues persist and we must keep going—but let us keep in mind that we made innovations, we collaborated, and we used technology so that learning could continue.  

In this post-pandemic time when we are slowly settling our way back to normalcy, let us take the opportunity to reshape what “normal” can look like. As a school leader, you manage the impacts of the pandemic on the teaching and learning processes, as well as the health and well-being of the students, teachers, and even the community at large. 

So, how do you lead schools in a time of recovery and transformation? While there is no one correct way of leading, the SEA-SLP can help you as you inch your way forward. Learn more in the video below.


To help you prepare for our learning journey ahead, read the Learner’s Guide below. 

Online SEA-SLP 2023 Learners Guide.pdf