

Key issues in Circular Economy

The value of AI for sustainability...


Consume less resources and make more money!


Variability of Renewable Energy

Need backup power and energy storage !

The Reliability of Power System

With the continual increase in the penetration of highly stochastic renewable energy sources into power systems, PRM is becoming an obsolete measure.


Sustainable thinking in food supply chain

Annual carbon footprint of each person in Taiwan

Source: 台視,熱線追蹤訪問《主題:人造肉─氣候變遷解方!?》
Estimated from the data of Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA, Taiwan) and UN

Relationship between cold chain and FEW nexus

Cold chains reduce food losses, but... How about the carbon?

How can I reduce food waste?

Redistribute, Recreate, Recycle

3R for Food