
Postdoctoral researcher

E-Mail: sdaniel.budiman@yahoo.com

郭祥謙 博士

Dr. Syarif Daniel Budiman 


中原大學 工業與系統工程學系 博士

Doctoral degree at Chung Yuan Christian University in Industrial and Systems Engineering


參與計畫(Involved project)

永續社會的轉型治理:臺灣2050 零碳社會的轉型治理分析與實踐(子計畫二:2050 淨零排碳建模與路徑規劃之研究)

Governance Transition toward a Sustainable Society: The analysis and practice of the governance transition toward Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Society (Subproject 2: The 2050 net zero carbon emission modeling and path planning)

Journal Papers

Conference Papers