Our Impact

Below is a collection of photos that summarize our impact int he community since we started on 03/21

Last updated, 04/09/2020

Note: all of our drop-offs and exchanges are made at a socially safe distance and we don't spend time socializing with each other. We at SD Mask Brigade feel our work to help our community is an essential service during these times.

We've spent the work week delivering masks and picking up new ones. We're trying to keep count. Our best estimate is we've taken in and given out ~1.5k masks to date. Hopefully soon some of our volunteer drivers will start getting their mask-covered, socially distant photos in here. But we have 5 drivers that have made at least one drop so far, so thank you to all of our volunteers!!!

We spent some of Saturday 04/04 visiting nurses all around San Diego. We dropped off a little self-care package containing lavender soaps and some handmade mask covers.

We also spent Saturday 04/04 picking up new masks made by wonderful volunteers. We'll be washing and packaging these masks to go out sometime next week to our #HealthcareHeroes or to others who are at risk.

We've donated masks to It's All About the Kids food pantry that serves 800 families a week, to labor & delivery nurses, and to a family of a hospital employee living in a home of 9 (with two at-risk individuals).

We've also donated to vista family health center. We also have handmade masks collected at various PPE drives and picked up at their door.