Other locations: Los Angeles | Seattle | Philadelphia | Pittsburgh | Tampa Bay | New York City | Northern VA

Want your location listed or collaborate on our work in San Diego? contact us

Want to donate? Need supplies?

Donations We Accept

Surgical Mask

ASTMF2100-11, L2 rating or greater

Gloves | Face-shields and Gowns

Gowns - AAMI, L2 rating or greater

Gloves - Vinyl or Nitrile

Vented Goggles

CSA Z94.3-2015 or ANSI287.1-2015

N-95 Masks


Donations We Link To

Hand sewn masks


The problem:

To fight COVID-19 healthcare professionals need masks, gowns, gloves, and eye protection in high quantities. Without these items the lives of both the healthcare worker and patients they serve are put at grave risk.

What can YOU do:

Fill out the form above if you live in San Diego area AND

- Have any of the items mentioned above in ANY quantity

- Have a need for any of the items mentioned above

- Would like to help be a driver or organizer?

Live in San Diego but don't necessarily want to help the SD Mask & PPE Brigade, no problem! Join the San Diego Community Volunteers Facebook page here for other ways you can get involved.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to enable residents and small businesses of greater San Diego to safely and easily donate their N95 masks, home-made masks, and/or other un-opened PPE. Our volunteers will coordinate to pick up your donations and we will work with local hospitals, nursing homes, or places with identified needs and schedule deliveries.

Remember, even if your donation doesn't go directly to a hospital, it may free up other precious Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that healthcare providers can use. In Seattle in less than a week they were able to redirect 3k N95 masks!