How You Can Help

Get Involved and Make a Difference

You can support the fight to end the Opioid Crisis with us by the following ways:

Sign a Petition!


1. To sign the petition, access the link we have provided for you

2. Type in your Name, Email and any comments you would like to add. This will confirm your signature.

Write/Sign a Letter!

Letter to Governner Ned Lamont - OCWarriors


1. Access the Google document we have provided for you

2. Copy and paste to a location of your choice (i.e. googleDoc, Microsoft Word, etc.)

3. Type in your Name in the first sentence of the letter, then sign at the bottom (This can be your name typed once again)

4. We encourage you to add more personal experiences and thoughts to the letter if you choose to do so

5. Once the letter is completed, please e-mail letter to:

Whether you were affected by this crisis or not, we would love any additions you make to the letter as this will help capture emotions and provide insight to anyone who reads it!

The Change Starts Now!