About us

We are 21 students studying the field of Communication at Southern Connecticut State University in the city of New Haven, CT.

For our Communication Capstone course, we have been given the task to tackle a social Justice issue that we felt passionate about. We decided to go with the current Opioid Crisis, targeting more specifically, our town of New Haven.

What We Stand For

We advocate for change in governmental spending to aid in the rehabilitation of opioid addicts.

Our goal is to bring attention to our legislatures to increase funding for the opioid crisis in Connecticut. It is time to hold our legislatures accountable for the health of Connecticut's citizens.

Opioid addicts are a slave to their drug and are not choosing a life of drug abuse. It's about time that the government stops treating them as second class citizens and offers funding to support their health and recovery through funding more detox beds and aftercare centers.

The petition we created was started by students at Southern Connecticut State University to fight for a lasting change for Connecticut's opioid crisis. Through your signatures and support, we can make our voices heard by our legislature. Together, we can make a difference!

Are YOU ready to be an OC Warrior?!