
Follow Miss Mea @misspre_k on Instagram!

Ms. Aneysa's Story Time available on Instagram TV @stcathmtz

Fun Crafts!

Love those messy hands! :)

Working hard on using scissors for our Letter of the Week!

Good morning!

It's Z week!! Zeke the zebra says ZZZZZZ.

I tried posting on Remind this morning and it kept telling me to try again later, I can imagine the internet is very congested these days.

I have attached a Z template and a picture of a simple zebra craft we have done in the past, as well as a fun worksheet activity. Just as last week I will be sending out and posting fun activities each day.

Most importantly have fun together, play outside (in your yards), and read those books!!

Don't forget to check out my instagram to see all of the pictures you send me :) ( misspre_k)

Miss Mea's class, I will post or send out a video this afternoon of our letter Z book!

I hope everyone is enjoying their time together, for those of you that are working each day we pray for you and want to say THANK YOU!

Have a great Monday,

Miss Mea

Happy Friday! It's our last day of the letter Y.

I have attached a Y template for you to print out and make a Y collage :)

Have the children cut it out and glue or paste yarn, any yellow pics you can find, stickers, color with yellow crayons or markers.. have fun!!

Please take pics and post on the Remind app or send them to me and I will post!

Have a great afternoon,

MIss Mea

March 18, 2020

Good morning parents,

Happy Wednesday!

I know that this is such a confusing time for the little ones...well, everyone really!

As we are trying to distance from each other for the greater good, we understand that it is a very confusing, sad, frustrating time. Especially when you just want to go to school and play with your friends!

I am here for all of your questions and concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at any time. We are all in this together.

A big thank you to those that have been sending pictures and videos of your little ones doing their school work, I have really enjoyed them! Keep them coming!!

We are on letter Y this week, the zoo phonics animal is: Yancy Yak says Y-Y-Y

Fun Activity: Have your child(ren) go around the house and see how many Yellow objects they can find! Send pics!

I am in the process of setting up an easy to use app to make it easier for us to share videos with you and the students, I will have that information to you this afternoon.

This weeks links: (thank you Navarro family)

We truly miss you all so much, stay safe and have a wonderful day!

Miss Mea