Formats and Styles

The PDF files below represent some example formats and styles to use. Some examples have been annotated to point out good and bad features.

Here is a (somewhat mediocre ) example of a poster. For better examples, check out the posters at the website.


This was based on some example on the Internet. The PDF was generated using a free web-based LaTeX service. The LaTeX header for this is











\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}

Sources for better examples can be found with a web search.

We have a bad example (combinatorial methods) and a not-so-bad example (fresh look) of slide sets, with annotations for each slide. These are both plain slide styles. The examples indicate how effective blank space can be at communication.

Bad example - Jumping primes_ some combinatorial methods.pdf
Not-so-bad example Jumping Primes_ a fresh look at sieving.pdf