
These Guidelines are a summary. After you register, you will be emailed a document with more detail.

Behavior Policy: We the organizers ask you to show respect and courtesy in all SCS activity. If you experience a problem with the satellite or its members, please contact us by email. Remember that everyone is volunteering their time and talents to produce something worthy of public and scientific attention.

Privacy and Data Policy: Except for email address and certain feedback, all data you give the SCS is intended to be published on a web site. Do not give us registration information you want to keep private.

We will keep correspondence confidential, and we ask that reviewers and judges treat entries as confidential, even if the entries are going to be published. We will anonymize some of the feedback, but we intend to publish lists of names of who submitted entries, and who did reviewing and judging. If you are concerned about submitting feedback anonymously, contact the organizers directly at

We will use the data collected from you for further research on short communications. When the work allows it, we will anonymize the data needed for this work.

At present, we do not use any special mechanisms to track individual use of this website. We will update this policy if this changes.

Content and Style Guideline Summary:

Entries should meet the following criteria:

- Content is in scientific English: At present the SCS cannot support multiple languages

- Format as a PDF: At present we are limiting the formats to meet deadlines. Email organizers about variations and experiments

- Work should be math(s): It should lie in one of the twenty sections being presented at the ICM.

- Work should be recent and original: It should include one or more results by the author(s) since last ICM (August 2018), and should reference and credit previous work appropriately. It should have results that can be published or accepted in internationally reputable journals. Entries that claim progress on famous unsolved problems in mathematics must satisfy this requirement.

- Entry should be brief: A reader should be expected to read it all in about ten minutes (If you can read it in nine minutes, it is probably too long since you wrote it.). This means total word count should be less than about 1000 words. It is recommended to have twenty or fewer slides of forty or fewer words per slide average. Similarly, a poster divided into eight bubbles should average fewer than 100 words per bubble.

- Work should be accessible and appropriate: it will present ideas and sketches to a large and mixed audience, many nonprofessional; if it takes 15% more words to make an entry accessible to undergraduates, adding such words is encouraged to make it self contained. (E.g. 800 + 120 words still fits.)

- Work should aim for quality: A short communication is NOT a journal article, but can serve to advertise for one.

- Work should be scientific: Selected entries will be available to a wide audience of scientists. Refrain from social or political commentary and stick to the mathematics.

Styles should be Poster or Slide Set (Slide deck). Some examples are under Formats and Styles (with more to come). The main requirement is that the title slide or title poster bubble acknowledge the SCS 2022, either by logo or sample wording to be provided.

Review guidelines summary:

A reviewer should check that an entry meets the content and style guidelines.

  • fits the section or section areas listed

  • uses language appropriate for a conference presentation

  • presents an apparently new result (more precisely, does not present only established results or results known to the reviewer)

  • fits the length criteria of a short communication

In addition, the reviewer may remark on how well the entry communicates, whether there are obvious inconsistencies (typos, slides in wrong order, mistake in formatting), and other aspects.

If there is feedback appropriate for a technical review (such as given by a referee), this may also be offered.

Judging guidelines to appear after May 1.