Trends Based Learning- The Method

Trends Based Learning methods take its inspiration from the CRISPA process, having a strong influence from arts, risk-taking and disruption. Trends based learning methods are not summed up as one particular theme or way of teaching, but rather a unique and personalised approach to implementing visual representations through student learning. These visual representations take their influence from current world trends or topics of interest. World trends are something that are easily adaptable and interchangeable, they evolve, change quickly and often in an unexpected manner. Some examples of world trends are: video games/characters, fashion, sports, influential people, comics, books, arts and general hobbies and interests.

As a researcher, I was interested in determining whether these trends, observed and experienced in the external environment, outside the classroom, could be brought into the class and used to drive student engagement levels to a more focussed area. Trends based lessons could be described as lessons that feature a constant ‘hook’, alongside all the elements of CRISPA. For this study, the researcher concentrated on embedding the trends based lessons into the UK National Curriculum. The UK National Curriculum content would be embedded into templates or adventure projects featuring the favorite trends of the sample population; examples of these trends include: Pokemon, Beyblade, Gymnastics, Football, Dancing, Minecraft, Star Wars, Lego and Singing etc. I then designed lessons that focussed on two key areas for implementation; (1) The Introductory Phase (2) The Project Reinforcement Phase. Both phases were deemed as crucial for the development of the student, allowing them to access the full diversity of the material implemented by the UK National Curriculum. An explanation of each phase is as follows:

Introductory Phase: The first encounter of new curriculum content. Is structured around an initial quiz that introduces the new curriculum content, followed up by differentiated levels of learning in relation to the new curriculum content. Students are required to choose their own learning category based on their perceived knowledge of the curriculum content. The imagery of the trends is embedded through a selection of pages, with the inclusion of specific characters, settings and story plots from the trend source.

The Project Reinforcement Phase: Differentiated PBL projects, focussed on story plots from the chosen trends. Students are required to work in small groups to complete tasks based on the CRISPA process. Each task forms the part of a plot related to the trend and features challenge questions and active learning activities (designed to correlate to 20 minutes of lesson completion). The PBL’s also have elements of outside learning, peer observation, discussion and feedback.

The researcher used imagery from the different trends, in a layered format and created story plots and character development adventures, influenced by the decisions of the students. Educational connoisseurship, being the ability of the teacher to implement innovative lessons, based on personal knowledge and experiences, played an important role in the researchers ability to design and implement these lessons, as a fundamental knowledge of these trends was needed, along with an ability of graphic and computer design. The researcher tapped into their own experiences with trends as a child and used it to drive the development of relatable curriculum content for the current population of students. The researcher also used their ability to create inspiring, engaging and relatable content (having a foundational knowledge of the Arts) to enhance engagement levels of the sample population. As the researcher strongly believes in the process of Trends Based Learning, this came across in the design and implementation of the lesson content, further engaging the students.

Scott JW McGuigan (2022)

Data Collection Tools

Trends survey 2- top 3 picks
Engagement Analysis Table
Trends Based Learning Introduction.mp4

Please click the text to the right to see the action research proposal>

Mini Action Research Project.

Trends Based Learning Phases: Lesson Examples

(Click below to see some examples of trends based learning lessons for each phase)

Introductory Phase: Introducing curriculum content for the 1st time.

Pokemon Maths (2).pptx
Untitled presentation

Untitled presentation

Project Reinforcement Phase: Reinforce previously learned curriculum content through PBL projects.

Pokemon Project
Untitled presentation
Stanley Dragonball.pptx