My Mission

"To innovate and create engaging curriculum resources and material that are effective in the classroom for generations to come".

"To maximise the quality of learning through achieving a state of 'flow', with the integration of fun and engaging lesson material".


Enjoyment appears at the boundary between boredom and anxiety, when the challenges are just balanced with the person's capacity to act, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1990)

Selected work

All of my work is compatible with the CRISPA process. CRISPA is a research-based approach to instruction and planning that relies on the use of Connections, Risk-Taking, Imagination, Sensory Experience, Perceptivity, and Active Engagement.

Aesthetic Lesson Templates Based On Student Trends.

All templates created by Scott JW McGuigan for educational purposes, through 'right of fair use'.

Pokemon Project

The Adventures Of Zoig! Part 5.pptx
Year 2- Week 1 classwork.pdf

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