Happy Bam Compiles A List Of Sex Toys Purchased During Quarantine

Korea (March 05, 2022) - Hand sanitizer and face masks weren't the only items that did well in the previous two years — sex toys, according to retailers like Happy Bam throughout the country, saw a jump in sales as consumers turned to self-pleasure as a new kind of self-care. And the upward trend shows no signs of abating.

Since the coronavirus outbreak put individuals into quarantine, Happy Bam, an online sex toy retailer, has seen a tremendous spike in sales on its website. Remote-controlled couple’s toys, waterproof vibrators, 딜도 dildo, and the site's popular "Shotswave Clinic" are among its best-selling items.

"As a company, our mission has always been to give pleasure, and humans need pleasure today more than ever," says a Happy Bam spokesperson.

They claim that the concept that sex (or sex toys) might help with stress isn't entirely unjustified. "The hormone oxytocin is produced from the brain during orgasm, which may help with stress alleviation," they write, citing data from the National Institute of Health.

Participants said masturbating is one of the most "stress-relieving activities" they can perform, per the brand's 2020 Self Pleasure Report. According to the survey, over 80% of respondents utilize masturbation as a method of self-care, increasing from 54% five years earlier, with 71 percent reporting that sexual pleasure (solo or not) made them "feel better" amidst the quarantine.

According to studies, a little self-satisfaction might help us in other ways as well. As per studies, the release of oxytocin may aid in the strengthening of our immune systems.

Happy Bam's sex toys have seen a significant increase in sales from the first week of March 2020, with even the "bondage" category experiencing a slight increase. "Statistically, couples frequently turn to sex for consolation and to further their relationships," they write. "Who says the sun doesn't come out after the rain?"

On Happy Bam, the most sold 자위기구 masturbation device are:

  • [Shotswave Clinic] Focus

  • [Svacom] Elba

  • [Lock Off] Bamboo Gold & Noir

  • [Shots Wave Vive] Izara

About Happy Bam

Happy Bam is a prominent Korean online sexual goods store that sells the best intimate items. Happy Balm exclusively sells safe products that have undergone extensive testing and evaluation and are based on globally renowned safe brand products.

For further information, visit https://happybam.com/category/woman/204/

Media Contact

Happy Bam

Contact Person: Jong-Min Park (Manager)

Chuncheon, Gangwon

Phone no: 070-4257-1919

Email: hius355@naver.com
