Global Summit House Announces the Launch of the New Science Fiction

(Sept 08, 2021): Global Summit House announces the intelligently weaved genomic time travel novel Rubix Apocalypse by Vladimir Mavar. It is a blend of science and fiction where global events are bridged in a marvelous form. With elements of verifiable history, the novel contains components of a future reality.

With an unusual title, this science fiction deals with the subject of virtual time travel along with an impending cosmic disaster. The author begins the book with the term "prophesy," which states the discovery of the "God particle" about a year before its actual finding makes the book more interesting.

In the plot of the story, Alen Marinkovic is a new employee at EGSI Super Atom Smasher and has access to much of the equipment at the world's largest particle accelerator as a technician. Based on virtual genomic and the human genome, he devises a plan to travel back in time utilizing a time travel technology.

He holds a mission to change history and to accurately record his discoveries. But then, it fails due to another recruit, Petra Stravinova, a scientist. Alen, with another colleague after this experiment, attempts to create a complex network of past interactions, events, and details with a mission to create a virtual historical grid. Through this, the scientists enable living and future generations to experience.

The characters of the novel give a thrilling, emotional, swashbuckling, and personal tale about the ubiquity of science in its broad reaches. Not only that, but it also includes love and a tragedy surviving through a series of events that leads the reader beyond this world into a future society founded on global equality.

About Global Summit House:

Global Summit House creates a social brand for a book at a time by forming relationships and participating with communities. Influencers, authors, and publishers are encouraged to bring in more new ideas that no one discusses. The company offers stories about fascinating topics and addresses various problems brought in by them.

Media Contact:

Company Name: Global Summit House

Contact Person: Anna Reid


Author's name: Vladimir Mavar

Book title: Rubix Apocalypse
