Global Summit House Introduces the Scriptural Evidence and Testimonies of G

Global Summit House (Sept 08, 2021): Global Summit House launches its new book All Things Are Possible by Moses Ayuketa and tries to prove that obeying the possibility law can help individuals in solving problems. Moses Ayuketa, in his book of scriptural and testimonial evidence, states that everything in life is governed by universal laws & principles of creation established by the Lord.

Being a multi-gifted international speaker, Moses, in his book, states that when someone dies as a result of a problem, it is not because no remedy could be found. Rather, it is due to a lack of God's understanding (ignorance). As per him, while someone is dying due to the same problem, someone else in another place is presenting a testimonial.

The author claims that many people restrict themselves to physical ways to issue solving, and as a result, perish in their difficulties when no scientific answer could be found. At this time, the power of God’s wisdom is the ability to actualize whatever a person believes. However, through his possibility laws, the author states the possibility of truth in life, power of words, human limitations, being spiritual, and trusting in Christ is what is possible for everyone. And those who can believe in the powerful words of God can thus overcome any situation in life.

With eleven different chapters of scriptural evidence and one on testimonies, Moses tries to prove that everything is possible with God, and everything is possible for everyone who believes in and follows the rules of possibility. Throughout the chapters, Moses Ayuketa introduces some concepts that he refers to as possible laws.

The book invites readers to grasp principles or universal laws better and, through testimonials, attempts to exhibit faith in God's provision for restoring confidence in oneself during tough circumstances. And with presenting the possibility truth at the beginning of the book, Moses tries to bring a belief in people that all things are always possible to whoever believes.

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Contact Media:

Company Name: Global Summit House

Contact Person: Anna Reid


Author's name: Moses Ayuketa

Book title: All Things Are Possible

