
Current CourseS

  • Math 121: Game Theory (taught online) (UCR, Winter 2021)

  • Math 011: Introduction to Discrete Structures (taught online) (UCR, Winter 2021)

Past Courses

  • Math 149A: Probability and Mathematical Statistics I (taught online) (UCR, Fall 2020)

  • Math 046: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (taught online) (UCR, Fall 2020)

  • Math 007B: Calculus for Life Sciences II (taught online) (UCR, Summer 2020)

  • Math 145B: Introduction to Topology II (taught online) (UCR, Spring 2020)

  • Math 006A: Introduction to College Mathematics for the Sciences I (taught online) (UCR, Spring 2020)

  • Math 121: Game Theory (UCR, Winter 2020)

  • Math 007B: Calculus for Life Sciences II (UCR, Winter 2020)

  • Math 007B: Calculus for Life Sciences II (UCR, Fall 2019 (two sections))

  • Math 046: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (UCR, Summer 2019)

  • Math 2600: Linear Algebra (Vanderbilt, Summer 2019)

  • Math 2420: Methods of Ordinary Differential Equations (Vanderbilt, Spring 2019, Fall 2017 (two sections), Spring 2017 (two sections))

  • Math 3110: Complex Variables (Vanderbilt, Spring 2019)

  • Math 7120: Functional Analysis (Vanderbilt, Fall 2018)

  • Math 1300: Accelerated Single Variable Calculus I (Vanderbilt, Summer 2018)

  • Math 2410: Methods of Linear Algebra (Vanderbilt, Spring 2018)

  • Math 2300: Multivariable Calculus (Vanderbilt, Fall 2016 (two sections))