Machine Learning

I have recently developed a strong interest in machine learning--a combined application of statistics and computer science. I primarily work in python using the standard libraries: numpy, pandas, matplotlib.pyplot, seaborn, scikit-learn, statsmodels, etc. I will use this page to maintain a list of active and completed projects along with the links to their GitHub repositories.


  • Math PhD Students ML Project: In this project, I build a model to predict the number of PhD students a mathematician will graduate over a certain period of time. To view the jupyter notebooks, README, and report, check out this project's GitHub repository.

  • BlackjackSimulator: This project started out as a programming project, and later I decided to apply some machine learning techniques to my simulations. In this project, I first build an engine to simulate games of blackjack utilizing various strategies including Hi-Lo card counting. After sampling and recording millions of hands of blackjack ranging over various game parameters and betting strategies, I collect the summary statistics (expected winnings and maximum losses) from each tuple of parameters and strategies and build a predictive model to predict the expected winnings and maximum losses for other parameters and strategies that were not sampled--thus saving computational resources in obtaining samples for every possible game type. To view the jupyter notebooks and README, check out this project's GitHub repository.

  • Is your advice unethical?: This project uses machine learning techniques with natural language processing to build a binary classification model to determine if a piece of advice is unethical or not. I used Reddit data to train the model. In particular, I scraped posts from the subreddits r/LifeProTips and r/UnethicalLifeProTips, using the subreddit as the label. I made a corresponding web app for this project where you can input a piece of advice and see how the model classifies it. You can find the web app at You can read more details about the project in the corresponding Medium post. Also, check out this project's GitHub repository.