Side Quests (Should Do) (Bonus Activities)

Side Quests are challenges you should do over the course of your time studying, they are completely optional. They will help you grow in your subject area, introduce you to resources that are helpful for studying on your own, and set a pace for you to move beyond what is expected for you at this grade level. Each "side quest" you complete earns you a set number of coins. (See the page discussing "The Market" in your guidebook.)

Side Quest #1: Jumping Frog Vocabulary

In the realm of beastmasters, an important lesson awaits those seeking to communicate with frogs. It is a journey that demands unwavering dedication and patience. With focused determination, they learn to decipher the subtle nuances of croaks, clicks, and subtle gestures that form the unique language of frogs. Through tireless observation and mimicry, beastmasters begin to bridge the gap between species, gradually unraveling the intricacies of frog communication. 

Side Quest #2: Practice Your Path

All students at the Academy must challenge themselves and each other when training in the class they choose to explore. In this side quest you are tasked with coming up with a quiz challenging other magicians, beastmasters, knights, rangers, and bards in the knowledge they must know to progress in their path. 

Side Quest #3: Vocabulary Bestiary 

Aspiring members of the Beastmaster class must have an exhaustive knowledge of the animals, creatures, and monsters that inhabit this world. The longer you train at The Academy, the more you realize that many of the creatures of myth that you learned about in the real-world are actually present in this world. Learning more about them will help you prepare to meet them as either allies or enemies in the future.