Beauty begets beauty; and this also applies to our neighborhoods and what our children see every day. At reBuilding Blocks, formerly named Scioli Turco, we believe that every block in Philadelphia should be clean, and houses and stores should be in good shape.

reBuilding Blocks is a 501(c)4 that falls under the umbrella of Caring People Alliance. Since 2011, reBuilding Blocks has partnered with neighbors, community groups and business improvement districts to identify nearby properties that are vacant and blighted. These properties include houses, business and industrial properties, each which may be in poor and dangerous condition, attract crime, be an attractive nuisance to children and lower property values.

Once such a property is identified and meets certain conditions, reBuilding Blocks files an action in court whereby it seeks to be appointed conservator over the property. This means that reBuilding Blocks is granted permission by the court to rehab the property both inside and outside and then put it up for sale, with most of the proceeds going back to the property owner. In some instances, the property owner is given the opportunity to make improvements to the property he or she has neglected. No individual or community group has to pay reBuilding Blocks any fees.

The improvement of a bad property can make a great difference on a block and reBuilding Blocks has had much success in making Philadelphia’s neighborhoods look better! Since 2011, reBuilding Blocks has successfully rehabilitated more than seventy-five properties in Philadelphia.