Frequently asked questions.

Who is reBuilding Blocks?

reBuilding Blocks, renamed in 2023 from Scioli Turco, Inc., is a 501(c)4 (not for profit) corporation formed to assist the city in rehabbing properties around the Philadelphia area in order to beautify neighborhoods and restore tax dollars to the city. 

Who can benefit?

Neighbors and non-profit community groups near a blighted property can petition the court to appoint a Conservator. A court-appointed Conservator secures the property, cures all L&I violations, improves the property and markets it via MLS to either developers or potential homeowners. All of this is done with Court oversight and a transparent process. All funding is provided by the Conservator. No taxpayer funds are used.

What is Act 135?

Act 135 is "An Act providing for court-appointed conservators to bring residential, commercial and industrial buildings into municipal code compliance when owners fail to comply." Act 135 provides an expedited means of alleviating blight and making derelict properties habitable and taxable. This process is accomplished without using taxpayer dollars and without involving local/City resources. Act 135 can be particularly effective when dealing with properties with clouded titles where ownership cannot be determined.

What does it cost?

There are no expenses incurred by the Petitioner. As conservators, reBuilding Blocks advances all funds. Rehabilitation costs can range from $25,000 to over $150,000, depending on the property size and condition. reBuilding Blocks is reimbursed once the property is sold. As Conservators, we are awarded 20% of the sale price. Remaining funds from the sale are returned to the property owner/estate. If the owner cannot be located, the court send the remainder to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as unclaimed property to be held in trust.

How long does it take?

Petitioning, conservancy, and rehabilitation can take from 6 months-1 year. More often than not, the time frame is determined by court scheduling and the legal process.